Joan Retsinas and Maureen Romans held a Zoom meeting on December 8 to rekindle interest in advocating for changes in the State library Funding formula and formulate an action plan.
The Let RI Vote bill in the Senate (S2007) is being heard in the State Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday (2/14). The Senate is holding committee hearings virtually at this time.
NEW: a final Ward map (for redistricting) was voted out of the Ward Boundaries Committee and is available online. Special City Council meeting is scheduled for Mon 3/14 @ 4:30 to accept and receive the work of the Ward Boundaries Committee (for redistricting). For more information check out the council's dedicated Ward Boundaries page -
Call/write Governor Dan McKee, and ask that he include Medicaid coverage for abortion in the 2022 budget he is preparing (and will introduce in January)
Pre-COVID, the Providence League of Women Voters, with the concurrence of the League of Women Voters of Rhode Island, adopted a position urging the state to make the funding of libraries more equitable.