LWV Providence

LWV Providence

Providence charter

The League of Women Voters Providence serves the city of Providence and the surrounding area. It is one of the oldest Leagues in the country. It was chartered in 1919, very shortly after the League of Women Voters was created as a division of the National American Women Suffrage Association at the NAWSA convention in St. Louis, MO March 1919.

Voting Information          Issues

For more information on issues and our postions, see the LWVRI Home Page: www.lwvri.org

President’s Report to the Providence League 2024

For the latest issue of our newsletter, The Providence Leaguer, go hereArchive

Leadership Team/Board
The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 9:30 a.m. If you are interested in helping shape the activities of the Providence League please contact Liz Head emhead603 [at] hotmail.com

Current Leadership Team and Directors: Liz Head, Mary Frances Cooper, Barbara Feldman, Maureen Romans, Hollie Courage, Martha Frutchey, Joan Retsinas, Marian Styles-McClintock 

For more information on the chapter, including bylaws, meeting minutes, and program details, see our shared documents.


photo: Emily Ward Crowell Chief of Staff, Office of Mayor Brett Smiley

At the Providence Annual Meeting on June 12, 2024 Emily Ward Crowell Chief of Staff, Office of Mayor Brett Smiley gave an Update from City Hall.



Lippitt House Museum, the Providence League of Women Voters, and the African Alliance of Rhode Island partnered on two, well attended, in-person community discussions about civic life for immigrants in Rhode Island. The “Immigration, Belonging & Civic Participation Community Conversation” series is part of Rhode Island Civic Learning Week. 

March 12, 2024 speakers - photoMarch 12 - Immigration, Belonging & Civic Participation: Rhode Island StoriesJulius Kolawole of the African Alliance of Rhode Island, along with Dr. Lawrencia Okai and Jacquelyn Richards shared how their immigrant journey brought them to Rhode Island. They discussed the barriers they found to civic participation in Rhode Island, how they navigated becoming active in community life, as well as suggestions individuals can take to welcome immigrants in our community. Speaker Bios

March 19 - Immigration, Belonging & Civic Participation: Connecting Policy and March 19, 2024 speakers - photo People representatives from three organizations that serve and advocate for immigrants in Rhode Island discussed their current work and how community members can support immigrant civic engagement. The presenters were Rev. Chris Abhulime, from the new African Policy Research Institute; Dr. Omar Bah, Founder & Director of Programs for the Refugee Dream Center; and Marcela Betancur, Executive Director of the Latino Policy InstituteSpeaker Bios

Besides holding our own Conversation series and the Lippitt House Discussions, the Providence League is actively pursuing improved funding for Public Libraries (see update) and monitoring School Building Repairs. In addition, we have a new Observer Corps (see latest reports). If interested in joining, contact Liz Head emhead603 [at] hotmail.com.

100th Anniversary Commemorative Activities

See photos of our gala RI Ratifications Celebration and more RI Suffrage History!
RI Suffragists featured at the Centennial Celebration

 Providence logo


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LWVRI - Providence