

Give to inspire the next generation of voters

Contribute now to ensure the League is a strong force in South Carolina. 

All financial contributions to the League of Women Voters of South Carolina support our mission to advocate for active and informed participation in government. LWVSC is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code, and contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Contribute online via PayPal or your credit card below.

All contributions and levels of giving are appreciated and support our mission to defend democracy and empower voters.  There are many ways to donate— including bequests, gifts of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), and employee matching gifts. Find out more.

To make a direct donation today

You can donate with a one-time or recurring gift.We have added suggested levels of donations that you may choose: 
      • $1000 or more - Sarah E. Leverette Circle
      • $500 to $999 - Defender of Democracy
      • $300 to $499 - Suffragist
      • $200 to $299 - Advocate
      • $100 to $199 - Supporter
      • $99 or less - Friend
Any amount is appreciated! Be sure to read the special directions below if you are honoring someone with a gift. 

Special instructions for gift recognitions

So that we may properly attribute your gift to your honoree, we will need additional information. 

1. Click the donate button and choose your payment method. 

    • Donating with PayPal? After you choose your amount and login, look for the section labeled + What's this payment for?
    • Donating with a credit card? After you choose your amount and login, look for the section labeled +Write a note 

2. Type “ In honor of x” or “In memory of x.”

    • If you are making an "In honor of "donation, also type the following:
      • The honoree's name, and address if you wish an acknowledgment sent.
      • (Optional) Whether the donation is for a special occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.
    • If you are making a memorial donation, also type the following:
      • The honoree's name. 
      • The name and address of a family member to be notified.

3. Proceed to complete your payment.  

Questions? Contact the treasurer. 


There are so many ways to support the LWVSC, including bequests, gifts of Individual Retirement Accounts , and employer matching gifts.   Make a gift in a way that is meaningful to you. Find out more.