How Does The League Select Issues for Action?
In the League, Program means the issues that we choose for concerted study, education and action at local, state and national levels (our league's local issues are listed in the left hand column on this page or can be found under the "Local Work" dropdown). Program can include both education and action.
The Program Planning process is part of what makes the League a grassroots organization; each League member has the opportunity to influence the selection of issues where the local, state, and national League will focus time, talent and money.
Every two years, members of local Leagues engage in Program Planning. Based on the results of this, the Board of Directors makes recommendations to the biennial convention delegates about the program to be adopted for the coming two year period.
Information on current and on-going issues can be found here.
Directories of Public Officials
Publication of directories of public officials for Oconee County and Pickens County is a public service project of the League of Women Voters of Oconee and Pickens Counties. The current editions were updated in June, 2021. These documents are provided here in the format used for printing at the links below.
Oconee County Directory of Public Officials
Pickens County Directory of Public Officials