October 23, 2023: Candidate Forum for Walhalla City Council held at Walhalla Middle School, 6:30 - 8 pm. Candidates present were: Sarai Melendez, Kenny Johns, Lynn McClain, Josh Thomas, and James Phillips.
May 22, 2023: Candidate Forum for Seneca City Council's Special Election held at the Gignilliat Center, 100 Stadium Road, Seneca, SC from 7 - 8:30 pm. The candidates were: Kyle Nicholson, Donna Peppers, Ernest E. Riley, Jim Sites, and Delanio Taylor.
October 3, 2022 at the Gignilliat Community Center, 7 - 8:30 pm
The candidates for the Oconee County School Board Trustees from District 1: Dean Bare, Amanda Holder, Keri Unsworth; from District 3: John Fallon, Jeremy Hobbs, Riley Johnson Jr., and Sandra Grant Sloan.
June 2, 2022 — Walhalla High School Auditorium. The League of Women Voters of Oconee and Pickens Counties hosted a Candidate Forum for the two Republican primary candidates for District 1 of the South Carolina House of Representatives. Rep. Bill Whitmire and Mr. Wally Sparks introduced themselves and answered questions from the audience on education funding, environmental concerns, abortion, gun violence and term limits.
April 7, 2022 — American Legion Post 107 at 205 Lucky St., Westminster, SC.
Candidate Forum for the Westminster City Council Special Election.
June 2, 2016 — Pendleton Library, 650 S. Mechanic St., Pendleton, SC
Solicitor, 10th Judicial District
Candidates: Wilson Burr, Rame Campbell, David Wagner
May 31, 2016 — Gignilliat Community Center, 621 N. Townville St., Seneca Oconee County Council
Candidates: Wayne McCall, Jared Ketterman, Joel Thrift, Julian Davis, John Dalan, James Glenn Hart, Sandra Jones
October 6, 2014 — Duke Energy's World of Energy Auditorium, Oconee Nuclear Station, 7812 Rochester Hwy, Seneca, SC 29672
Oconee County School Board, District 1
Candidates: Allen Brewer, Jerry Lee
May 19, 2014 — Gignilliat Community Center, 621 N Townville St., Seneca
Oconee County Council Special Election
March 24, 2014 — Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca
(Primary Election) Special Election to fill vacancy on Oconee County Council ( Photo)
February 23, 2014 — Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca
Seneca City Council ( Photo)
October 11, 2012 — Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca.
SC House Districts 1 and 2
Candidates for District 1 are Rep. Bill Whitmire, John Hester and John Dalen.
Candidates for District 2 are Rep. Bill Sandifer and Ed Rumsey.
October 18, 2012 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca.
Oconee County Sheriff and Auditor. Candidates for sheriff are Mike Crenshaw, Donnie Fricks and Terry Wilson. ( Photo)
Candidates for auditor, Ken Nix, will make a statement, but Betsy Redmond will not be able to attend.
October 25, 2012 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca.
Oconee County Council Districts 4 and 5 ( Photo)
June 4, 2012 - The Depot, Westminster
Sponsored jointly by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and the LWVCA
Oconee County Council District 4
May 8, 2012 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca.
Co-sponored by the City of Seneca
Oconee County Council Districts 2, 4, 5.
May 10, 2012 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca.
SC House Seats 1 and 2
April 19, 2012 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 Townville St., Seneca.
Co-sponsored by The Seneca Journal, The Anderson Independent Mail and WGOG.
(Primary Election) Sheriff of Oconee County. ( Photo)
Co-sponsored by the City of Seneca.
(Primary Election) Oconee County Council Districts 1 and 3. (

(Primary Election) SC House Districts 2 and 8. ( Photo)
June 8, 2009 - Duke World of Energy
(Primary Election) Special Election for Oconee County Council, District 1. ( Photo)
October 23, 2008 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 N. Townville St., Seneca.
Oconee Treasurer: Susie Cornelius (Constitution), Gregorie W. Nowell (R), followed by
Oconee County Council, District 4: Bryan Jenkins (D), Joel Thrift (R) and District 5: Reg. Dexter (R), Richard "Dick" E. Hughes (D)
October 13, 2008 - Gignilliat Civic Center, 621 N. Townville St., Seneca.
SC Senate District 1: Thomas C. Alexander (R), Polly Nicolay (Constitution), followed by
Oconee County School Board District 2: Rosemary Bailes, Ken Poston and District 5: Seth Chea , Buddy G. Herring, Terry Schiazza
The forums in October of 2008 were co-sponsored by the City of Seneca.
Kathy Woodard moderated.