LWVOP Monthly Program: Working Together for Better Health in Oconee and Pickens

LWVOP Monthly Program: Working Together for Better Health in Oconee and Pickens


Clemson United Methodist Church
300 Frontage Raod
Clemson South Carolina
South Carolina US
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 - 7:00pm

Explore efforts underway to improve the health of Oconee and Pickens County residents and to identify priorities for public policy change at all levels of government.

  • Highlights of the health of Oconee and Pickens County residents focusing on priorities, disparities.
  • Examples of programs which address priorities including Healthy County Coalitions.
  • Examples of policy changes necessary to support priorities such as Smoke Free Palmetto State.
  • Actions taken or planned by LWVOP to promote public policy change at national, state, and local levels.

The speaker will be Misty Lee, Community Engagement Manager, Anderson, Oconee, Pickens, and Greenville, Upstate Public Health Region, DHEC. Ms. Lee works with communities to assess local needs, develop priorities, and action plans, and she facilitates and coordinates partnerships to address risk factors such as poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyles, and commercial tobacco use. She has been with the agency for more than twenty-nine years.