Open, accountable, adequately funded, well-functioning local governments.
Position In Brief:
Open, accountable, adequately funded, well-functioning local governments.
- LWVOP supports open, transparent, and accessible process for appointments to local government boards, committees, and commissions.
- The LWVOP supports adequate funding and staffing for the Oconee and Pickens County Election Commission.
LWVOP Program and Action Steering Committee
Local Program Priorities Recommendations FY2025/2026
Priority: Civic Education and Engagement
Over 20 years ago, the League of Women Voters launched Making Democracy Work®, a campaign focusing on five key indicators of a healthy democracy. Two of these indicators are civic education and civic participation — because, as a nonpartisan voting rights and democracy policy organization, the League knows civic information and involvement are key to a healthy American democracy.
- Promote Community Dialogues to bridge political divide.
- Establish Observer Corp to determine where electorate and public officials are lacking information/civic education.
- Continue existing voter education activities (VOTE 411, Candidate Forums, TheVoter, letters to the Editor).
League to which this content belongs:
Oconee and Pickens Counties