Our Bodies Our Choice invites you to join others in the NRV to determine actions we can take to secure reproductive rights now and for future generations.
It is time to engage the community of concerned folks to discuss strategies for the fall election season and how we might support the constitutional amendment protecting the fundamental right to reproductive freedom to be introduced to the General Assembly in January.
Sunday, June 2 from 2:00-4:00 at the Blacksburg Public Library, 200 Miller St. We’ll do a little catch-up on the reproductive rights scene and then meet in small groups to gather suggestions for building awareness and action in the coming months. Please invite friends or family to join this important conversation so that voices from the New River Valley might have an impact on decisions that affect women across the state. Forward the event flyer to other concerned friends.
Collaborating organizations for this event are Red Wine & Blue and Planned Parenthood South Atlantic.