Waste Management (Non-Hazardous)

Waste Management (Non-Hazardous)

We support sound measures to dispose of non-hazardous solid waste.
Position In Brief: 

The League of Women Voters of Ventura County supports measures to dispose of solid waste by methods which are economically and environmentally sound (1975-77, updated 1982-84).

Position History: 

1996 Made statement of approval on Toland Road Landfill.

1994 Completed Solid Waste Community Project (using $2500 grant) “Turn the Tide.”

1991-92 Canvassed new neighborhoods door-to-door to introduce Ventura City’s recycling program.

              Formulated with the City of Ventura a waste reduction campaign: environmental shopping tours, library displays, booths and displays at parks, fairs, etc. 

             Supported recommendations made in the environmental impact report on the proposed Weldon Canyon  landfill which would help mitigate problems.

             Supported creation of Ventura County Waste Management Authority.

1990-91 Canvassed door-to-door to introduce Ventura City’s recycling program.

1990  Supported efforts of City of San Buenaventura to obtain grant money from the state of California to extend recycling service to multiple-unit dwellings.

1989 Requested the City of Port Hueneme to cooperate with City of Oxnard and the Ventura Regional Sanitation District to develop a recycling program.

        Complimented the City of Simi Valley for starting a curbside recycling program.

Natural Resources Position

Specifics of Position

  1. Continuous education regarding the volume of solid waste.
  2. Reduction of solid waste by development and implementation of economically and environmentally sound methods for reclamation of materials with energy produced as a by-product.
  3. More equitable charges for collection and disposal of solid waste based upon volume produced and actual cost of services.
  4. Criteria for siting sanitary landfills that include the balancing of all environmental factors.
  5. 5. The same regulations for sanitary landfills, whether operated by public or private enterprise.


This study was adopted and carried through in 1976-77 under the title of “Evaluation of Methods for Solid Waste Treatment.” Much of the study concentrated upon actions and functions of the Ventura Regional County Sanitation District inasmuch as it was the agency working to develop a plan for solid waste management by January 1, 1976, as mandated by the State of California.

The role of private enterprise was researched and discussed by members. Collection by private operators under contract to a city or the county was felt to be desirable. Separation at the source was approved. It was agreed in 1976 that reclamation at the landfill was more economic and practical but that all practical methods leading to reduction of volume of waste should be encouraged. Reclamation should be practiced on a wide scale.

In rating selections of landfill sites, members’ first priorities were environmentally sound controls of litter, odors, noise, dust, leaching and other health hazards, and acceptability to the public. The landfill’s appearance should be compatible visually with surrounding land uses and it should become usable when it ceases to be a landfill.

Economic feasibility was second in priority and included considerations of haul distance, cost of land and future use when filled. Other considerations: life expectancy of the landfill; remoteness but with accessibility; traffic patterns on site; mobility on site under all weather considerations.  

Geographic concerns were also expressed: geology and earthquake faults, contamination of water supplies, climate, and problems of silting on a river. (See also LWV California's position on air quality.)

League to which this content belongs: 
Ventura County