Hamden Regional Chamber of Commerce
3074 Whitney Avenue | Hamden, CT 06518 | P: 203-288-6431| E: hcc [at] hamdenchamber.com
Logan and Cabrera to Debate for District 17 Senatorial Seat
HAMDEN, CT– In this remarkable year of political and social and health crises, the Hamden Regional Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters Hamden/North Haven will co-sponsor the 2020 17th State Senate Debate on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 7pm between Republican George S. Logan and Democrat Jorge Cabrera. The debate will take place live, at the host sponsor, The Playwright Irish Pub Restaurant, without an audience, but will be broadcast live on the Hamden Chamber’s Facebook page. It will be moderated by Hamden Attorney Steven Ciardiello, who has moderated Hamden Chamber debates for over twenty years.
“We are thrilled that the Chamber and the League of Women Voters will be co-sponsors of a debate in this very important state senate district,” said Chamber President Nancy Dudchik. “We are also grateful to The Playwright, for offering their banquet room as a venue for the debate. In the Covid-19 era, unfortunately it isn’t possible to hold the debate in public, but this will be a valuable substitute.”
“The League is also very pleased to be co-sponsoring this debate with the Hamden Chamber, and we are looking forward to an exciting debate” said League Steering Committee member Diane Hoffman.
The public is encouraged to submit questions to be answered by the candidates to LWVHNHtreasurer [at] gmail.com (.) All questions must be received no later than October 8th. All questions will be reviewed for clarity and submitted to the moderator.
The 17th District includes Ansonia, Bethany, Beacon Falls, Derby, Hamden, Naugatuck, and Woodbridge. All residents, especially those living in the 17th district are encouraged to attend the debate to become better informed about the positions of their candidates.
To learn more about the candidates please go to www.reelectlogan.com and www.jorgecabreract.com.
For additional details on this, or other HRCC programs and events, please contact the Hamden Regional Chamber of Commerce office at 203-288-6431 or email hcc [at] hamdenchamber.com or visit www.hamdenregionalchamber.com.
To learn more about the League of Women Voters please contact or 203-288-7996, or email lwvct [at] lwvct.org or visit https://my.lwv.org/connecticut