LWV Redding serves Redding, Redding Ridge and West Redding.
It’s membership time! Join the Redding League of Women Voters today and help us make a difference. We need you now, more than ever!
What does my Membership mean?
Members of the Redding League of Women Voters are part of a proud non-partisan organization that began as American women gained the right to vote in 1920. In Redding, we have been an active organization of women and men since the 1950s.
When you join or renew your membership, you are contributing to our nonpartisan efforts to educate and encourage Redding’s residents to participate in local political and community life.
Join the Redding League of Women Voters!
We welcome new members to join the LWV Redding.
Please fill out the online new member application by clicking here.
Membership Dues:
- Individual members: $75 per year is the recommended amount, or pay what you can ($20 minimum).
- You can add a second member ($150 total for both recommended, $40 for both minimum), but they each will need to provide a unique email address.
- Life members: In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.
To join and pay your dues by check:
Print and complete this membership form. (Please include the name and email address of any additional household member included in the dues amount.)
Please make your dues check payable to: LWVUS.
Mail your check and membership form to:
Redding League of Women Voters
P.O. Box 1100
Redding Center, CT 06875
Membership dues cover enrollment in the local, state, and national leagues. Additional donations are welcome and will support our mission (donations are not tax deductible).
A limited number of need-based Membership Assistance Grants may be available each year.
Please inquire in confidence by contacting the Membership Chair directly at joinreddingctlwv [at] yahoo.com.
Please note that membership dues and contributions to LWVCT are not deductible as charitable contributions for tax purposes.
Voting Information
The League of Women Voters of Connecticut updates the Voter Service page with the latest information.
Redding Events
WHEN: Monday, April 18 at 7:30 at the Redding Community Center
Please attend the special town meeting to learn about and vote on expenditures of the ARPA funds. The purpose is to consider and vote upon transfers/expenditures from the American Rescue Plan Fund as recommended by the American Rescue Plan Funds Working Group and as approved by the Board of Selectmen.
- Ask their questions and/or voice their concerns
- Hear directly from elected officials and town employees
- Get informed about our town departments and town boards
- Hear updates and Q&As from our First Selectman, Board of Finance Vice-chair, Police Chief, ER9 Assistant Superintendent, Director of Human Services, Park & Rec Director, Health Officer, Town Clerk and Registrars
- Watch the recording of our Annual Meeting held in June 2021. https://www.facebook.com/1821715138092869/videos/960072081496539/
- The Redding board meets on the second Monday of each month at 12 noon.
Join us on Facebook for more league news and events!
Redistricting: Why it Matters
If you are thinking about Redistricting in Connecticut, you can learn more by reading this LWVCT blog: Redistricting: Why It Matters
WE NEED YOU NOW, MORE THAN EVER!Looking for ways to get involved and make a difference? Please help the Redding League of Women Voters to grow “Bigger, Better, Broader” and join or renew today! |

Contact Us
Kim O’Rielly, President kim.orielly [at] gmail.com
Click Here to Visit our Facebook Page
lwvredding [at] lwvct.org
Mailing address:
Redding League of Women Voters
P.O. Box 1100, Redding Center, CT 06875
Local Leagues set their dues according to their objectives for the coming year, thus, dues may be different from League to League. A significant part of each member's dues goes to support League work on the state and the national levels.