About Us - Advocacy

About Us - Advocacy

More details on this topic can be found in the ADVOCACY section of this website: LWVDE Advocacy Corps | MyLO

DelawareOur Work at the State Level: A Focus on Advocacy

    • Some League members achieve satisfaction by:
      • addressing their passion through involvement in the LWVDE Advocacy Corps
      • developing sufficient expertise and experience to become registered lobbyists for the League
    • Others support the official lobbyists and develop their expertise by:
      • researching issues
      • sharing their professional expertise
      • studying the implications of proposed legislation
      • drafting letters to the editor, or Op Ed's (Opinion Editorials), or testimony
      • tracking the status of bills as they work through the legislative process
      • observing committee hearings or legislative sessions.
Whatever our role, we are always inspired by the opportunity to learn more about our state government and have an impact on public policy, working with other Advocacy Corps members who are knowledgeable and anxious to share their enthusiasm and experience with others. League members are invited to: 
    • participate in our monthly meetings (online, by Zoom web conference)
    • deliberate on the pros and cons of proposed legislation that affects all of us
    • become a part of the work of the League in advocating for positions
    • help make democracy work here in Delaware
    • contact advocacylwvde [at] gmail.com (Linda Barnett), the Advocacy Chair, if interested in coming to a meeting.

A lot of our work can be done from the comfort of home, researching, and writing about the issues. We'll be happy to mentor you as you learn about our work.