What are the specific activities of the AC?
- The AC monitors the activities of the Delaware Legislature as it conducts the state’s business. We also track administrative actions conducted by state agencies.
- We support or oppose legislative and administrative proposals in accordance with policy positions approved by the State Board and offer testimony in person at hearings, when possible, and electronically when necessary.
- The group meets monthly, either in person in Dover or via Zoom to discuss bills, providing participants with the opportunity to express their views pro or con so that a consensus can be reached. Between meetings, members stay abreast of legislative and administrative actions using websites and through interaction with other like-minded non-profit organizations.
- As members become knowledgeable about the workings of the General Assembly and develop expertise in specific areas, they may be appointed to serve as official lobbyists for the League. Only such individuals are authorized to offer testimony or interact on behalf of the League with legislators and state officials. As a lobbyist, the individual must register with the Public Integrity Commission and comply with all of its reporting requirements.
The Lobby Handbook
The LWVDE produced The Lobby Handbook as a guide on how to conduct effective advocacy. An updated version (April 2018) can be found here It was written to give you a short course on the legislative process in Delaware and to offer practical information about influencing it. We encourage you to take advantage of our state's "uniqueness" and to become knowledgeable about and involved in your government.
Advocacy Corps Portfolio Teams
The policy positions we focus on are clustered around topic areas which are referred to as “Portfolios.” Many of the portfolio teams meet regularly to discuss upcoming bills and issues. Refer to this page for details about each of the current AC portfolios: Advocacy Corps Portfolios and this page for their meeting schedules: Recurring Events & Meetings | MyLO.
Join the Advocacy Corps
If you are interested in joining the work of the LWVDE Advocacy Corps, or just want to sit in on a meeting, please contact Linda Barnett at advocacylwvde [at] gmail.com or fill out this online form: LWVDE Advocacy Corps Sign Up