On April 15th, the LWVDE launched the VOTE411 voter guide for the May 14th school board elections. Check out www.VOTE411 or for all the nonpartisan information you need to be an informed voter. In Sussex County only Delmar, Woodbridge and Indian River District 4 will have elections this May.
VOTE411.org provides important election information you can use. As we get closer to elections, it will provide valuable information on candidates running for office. It lets you, the voter, see that is on your ballot, check your registration, find your polling place, and more. Add it is available in English and Spanish. Check out the interactive graphic on the left side of this page and fill in your address for current election information.
This Way to the Voting Booth 2023-2024:
A Citizen's Guide to Registration and Voting
Check out this handy guide for information on registering to vote, where to vote, how to vote, etc. It is available here: this_way_to_the_voting_booth_-_july_2024.pdf.
Register to Vote
Are you registered to vote but want to change your party, your address, your name? Go to iVOTE.DE.gov to register online or to find out how to change personal information, how to vote by absentee ballot, what to do if you are overseas in the military, etc.
Voter registration can be completed in person at 119 N. Race St, P.O. Box 457, Georgetown, DE 19947. Or you may register at any of these agencies if you have other business there: Division of Motor Vehicles, Department of Health & Social Services, and the Department of Labor.
Your voter registration is permanent, but it is your personal responsibility to keep the residence and mailing address on your voting record current and updated.
Choosing a Party or Not Choosing a Party:
However, Voters who are automatically registered at DMV by the Presidential Primary Election Voter Registration Deadline of March 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. and have their party listed as No Party-AVR may change their political party affiliation up to and including on Presidential Primary Election Day, April 2, 2024, in order to vote in their party's Presidential Primary Election.
U.S. Congressional Delegation
State of Delaware
Extensive information about the Delaware state government can be located online. The website https://delaware.gov lists state officials with links for contacting them. Additionally, links are provided for other government officials, agencies, and services. To find out your legislators, scroll down on the General Assembly Home page, https://legis.delaware.gov, to the "Who is My Legislator?" box on the right side and enter your address.
Know Your Legislator is an easy to use tool for finding your legislators and basic information about them. It provides profiles of legislators including sponsored legislation. It is available through Delawareonline, the online homepage of the News Journal.
The Delaware General Assembly website, legis.delaware.gov, provides a legislative calendar and information on bills and legislation, Delaware laws, and committees. Links to State Senators and their districts can be found here, and Representatives here.
Sussex County
The Delaware General Assembly granted Sussex County home rule in the early 1970s, converting the old Levy Court into the current Sussex County Council comprised of five members elected in and for specific geographic districts for four years. This forms the legislative authority of the county, which appoints a "County Administrator" who oversees the executive branch departments.
Information on the government structure, administration, department listings, etc., can be found on the Sussex County website. County Council members along with their district maps are listed there as well as the traditional "Row Offices" of Clerk of the Peace, Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, and Sheriff, who are all elected at large. Appointed boards and commissions are listed, including the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment, which play particularly important roles in administering county land use ordinances.
At of 10/2020, Sussex County produces a monthly e-newsletter, SusseXtra!, about the latest news and happenings within County government. You can sign up to receive a copy emailed directly to your inbox at https://sussexcountyde.gov/newsletter. You can also view previous editions there.
Sussex County has an audio/visual system for broadcasting meeting events. To watch a broadcast, please click on this link and then select "Watch" from the options on the left in order to view the broadcast in full-screen mode.
Municipal Governments
Town and city charters determine voter qualifications for municipal elections. Some allow property owners who are not full-time residents to serve on the local council or commission. Most municipal elections are held separately from general elections in the state. To vote in city or town elections you must register with the local jurisdiction. The Directory of Delaware Municipal Officials provides links to websites of 25 incorporated local governments in Sussex County, each with its own local mayor and council or commission. You can find contact information there. To vote in city elections that are placed on the state general election ballot a person must be registered with the state before voting.
School Boards
School board elections are normally held in May. To vote in school board elections a person must be a citizen and a resident in the school district holding the election and be at least 18 years of age. Advance registration is not necessary. Contact your local school board for more information. A listing of Sussex County public schools with links to the district websites can be found here.
Civics Video Series
The League of Women Voters of Delaware has sponsored a series of civics videos now posted on YouTube, entitled, We’re the WE in "We the People." It is a crash course on government for those who have never had a civics course and a brush-up course for those who have but need to be reminded why it matters.
It is composed of 2 groups of videos with 7 segments on the Federal Constitution and 3 on the Delaware Constitution. It was funded in part by Delaware Humanities.
Watch the videos to learn how your government functions and how important your vote is.