Comment Period Commences for LWVDE Criminal Justice Concurrence

Comment Period Commences for LWVDE Criminal Justice Concurrence

Feedback Needed!

Update 11/17/2021 - LWVDE has adopted a new Criminal Justice Position, adding several sections by concurrence with the LWV of California. The Concurrence was approved by the membership on Nov 16 and confirmed by the Board of Directors on Nov 17th, 2021.

League of Women Voters of Delaware members attended a presentation on Thursday October 28, 2021, to review the LWV of California Criminal Justice Position with an eye toward adopting this Position for LWVDE by Concurrence. The full presentation video is provided below for those who missed the presentation or would like to view it again.

A two-week comment period now commences.

LWVDE members are encouraged to contact Criminal Justice Portfolio Chair Lori Yadin (email 4hoping [at] with questions or comments.

Timeline of Events

    • Thursday 10/28/2021 - Presentation of the LWV of California Position by Ashley Raveche.
    • Friday 10/29/2021 - Video and timeline posted online; comment period commences.
    • 2 weeks later - Criminal Justice Portfolio Team meets and decides whether to move forward based on member feedback.
    • Tuesday 11/16/2021 - [Likely] LWVDE Concurrence vote for members via Zoom web conference at 7:00 p.m. Invitation for Zoom registration will be sent on or around November 10th.
    • Wednesday 11/17/2021 - [Possible] Concurrence vote for LWVDE State Board.

Presentation from October 28th

Presentation Slides

The slide deck for Ashley Raveche's 10/28/2021 concurrence presentation for LWVDE is available here: PDF icon Delaware CJ Concurrence Presentation 2021

Presentation Video

Minute markers:
00:04 - Welcome & background by Lori Yadin
05:00 - Introduction of speaker by Majorie Green
07:45 - Presentation by Ashley Raveche
10:00 - "Deep dive" into the LWVC position
28:45 - Questions #1
37:30 - How Delaware can use the new position
53:30 - Questions #2
1:00:00 - Next steps for LWVDE, Lori Yadin
1:07:31 - End of video

Our Speaker

We were fortunate to have with us Ashley Raveche, the Deputy Area Director of Social Policy for the LWVC. She was on the state task force that developed the California Criminal Justice Position being proposed for concurrence. She also participated on the drafting committee for the LWVUS’s Emergency Resolution on Racial Justice.

Ms. Raveche discussed the California Criminal Justice study and resulting LWVC Position, as well as how the LWVC position can address gaps in the current basis for LWVDE Criminal Justice advocacy efforts.

LWVDE and LWVC Criminal Justice Positions

Per discussion on Oct 28, the California Position text need not replace the current Delaware Position, but be added to enhance it. This would address items currently lacking in the DE Position (such as policing and re-entry elements), while preserving items like juvenile justice and expungement of criminal records in a new combined DE Position.


The LWVDE Criminal Justice Portfolio Team seeks a possible concurrence by LWVDE with the LWVC Position to adopt a more robust and resonant Criminal Justice Position for Delaware.

Why Criminal Justice?

One-third of U.S. adults have had some experience in the justice system which has had a tremendous impact on voting rights.

All Delaware citizens have a right to equal treatment under the law and to a criminal justice system that is just, effective, equitable, transparent, and that foster public trust at all stages, including policing practices, pre-trial procedures, sentencing, incarceration and re-entry.

Why Update our Position?

The strength of the League lies in connecting our community to governmental agencies to shape policy reforms. League advocacy stems directly from the Position Statements we adopt as an organization. It is time to review our LWV of Delaware Position to make sure it supports suitable action.

Why Now?

The DE General Assembly will reconvene in January 2022 with 13 criminal justice bills. This will be a critical chance to have an impact on policy reforms in our state.

Rather than undertake a two-year study, the LWVDE Criminal Justice Portfolio Team’s preferred option is to concur with the more robust LWV of California Position that evolved over 4 years of study. This would allow us to have a more effective criminal justice position in place for Delaware’s upcoming legislative session. The state Leagues of AZ, NC, MI, and NY have adopted California’s Position by concurrence already.



League to which this content belongs: 