Book Group: Walkable City
The LWVDE Land Use/Transportation Committee invites all interested persons to join a virtual book group covering Walkable City by Jeff Speck. This group will meet at 7 pm on alternate Thursdays from late January thru April 2023 via Zoom web conference.
We recommend purchasing the book from and selecting one of our local independent bookstores to support such as Books & Bagels, the Hockessin Bookshelf, the Delaware Art Museum Store, or Browseabout Books.
Topics include health, climate, community and more. We will be learning about what makes a community walkable, and why walkability is good for us and our world. When we finish the book in the better weather of late spring, we will conclude with a (walking) tour of Claymont, DE to see some features of a walkable community for ourselves.
Thurs Jan 26: pp.3-35 -- Prologue, General Theory of Walkability, and Walking, the Urban Advantage
- Thurs Feb 9: pp.36-63 -- Why Johnny Can’t Walk, and The Wrong Color Green
- Thurs Feb 23: pp.67-104 -- Introduction to The Ten Steps of Walkability, and Step 1: Put Cars in Their Place
- Thurs Mar 9: pp.105-138 -- Step 2: Mix the Uses, and Step 3: Get the Parking Right pp. 105-138
- Thurs Mar 23: pp. 139-188 -- Step 4: Let Transit Work, and Step 5: Protect the Pedestrian
- Thurs Apr 6: pp. 189-222 -- Step 6: Welcome Bikes, and Step 7: Shape the Spaces
- Thurs Apr 20: pp. 223-261 -- Step 8: Plant Trees, Step 9: Make Friendly and Unique Faces, and Step 10: Pick Your Winners
Contact Committee Chair Anna Quisel or the League Office for more information.