NewsJill Itzkowitz, Voting & Elections Portfolio lead for the League of Women Voters of Delaware Advocacy Corps, was one of three panelists in an Oct 7, 2021 Peace Week Delaware event called "Power to the People - Confronting Voter Suppression Head-on," sponsored by the New Ark United Church of Christ (UCC), Newark Branch NAACP, and Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark (UUFN).
- Katie Williams, Policy Advocate for UCC, spoke about the recent push toward more restrictive voting rules in many U.S. states, as well as pending Federal legislation that might resolve it.
- Jill Itzkowitz spoke about voting legislation in Delaware.
- Dr. Freeman Williams, President of the Newark DE NAACP Chapter, gave historical context to waves of voter suppression in U.S. history and addressed how restrictive voting rules disproportionately affect people of color.
The event was recorded, and we present Jill's remarks in this 12-minute video.
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