League Day: The Cost of Justice? Delaware's Fines & Fees System

League Day: The Cost of Justice? Delaware's Fines & Fees System

Monday, May 23, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

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The Cost of Justice? Delaware's Fines & Fees System 

Monday, May 23rd 12:00-1:15pm
Virtual Panel Discussion  

The LWVDE and ACLU-DE are in support of HB244 AND HA2 because they believe that court-ordered fines and fees have negatively impacted Delaware citizens by disproportionately affecting those with low-incomes and communities of color.

Haneef Salaam, Manager, Smart Justice Committee of the ACLU, Delaware. Haneef helps those who are released from prison become productive community members after going through that process himself.

Meryem Dede, Assistant Public Defender, practices as a trial attorney in Delaware's Public Defender's Office and serves as Coordinator of End Debtors Prison Campaign.

Representative Sean Lynn is a Democratic member of the House of Representatives and the sponsor of HB 244 that eliminates a number of fines and fees in juvenile delinquency proceedings, the public defender fee, and the probation supervision fee.

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This presentation is open to all interested members and non-members. Legislators are particularly invited and welcome.

Video presentation of the Panel Discussion