LWVNCC Membership FUN-Raising Event!

LWVNCC Membership FUN-Raising Event!

Membership Fun Raiser at Applebees


Applebee's in Newark
900 Churchmans Rd
Newark Delaware 19713
Delaware US
Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 11:30am to 1:00pm
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You’re invited to a LWV NCC Membership Fun-Raiser!
March 6th, 2025  11:30 - 1:00 pm
Applebee’s at 900 Churchman’s Rd, Newark DE


A FUN-raiser is a chance to meet with New Castle County Board members for the LWV, committee chairs and other members for a fun get together and a little bit of business. We can answer your questions, talk about the League’s progress andevents moving forward. We’ll also introduce our new Membership portal and show you how to participate in our 24-hour giving marathon that starts at 6:00 online with DoMore24!

Light refreshments provided!

Free event - but please rsvpLWVNCC [at] Comcast.net ( here )and we’ll see you then!