Kent County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

Kent County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

League of Women Voters of New Castle County - on the move in 2020-2021

New LWVNCC officers and directors were elected on June 14, 2021. The Board is requesting that all members fill out a feedback survey to provide input direction for the new year. ("Read more" for survey link)

LWVUS Facebook

Watch 2021 Congressional Panel:

The Next 100 Years for Democracy Live Online

Recorded 6/2/2021



Video Recording of LWVDE Biennial Convention - May 22, 2021

Video - Legislative

May 18, 2021: Update on LWV action at Delaware's Legislature. What's Moving and What's Not. With Linda Barnett, LWV of Delaware Advocacy Corps Chair. Meet your League activists!


LWVDE Biennial Convention
Date: May 22, 2021 Time:10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Via Zoom
Click READ MORE for details


The Convention Book is the source for information about this year's Biennial Convention, May 22, 2021. Please inform yourself before the convention.

Transportation webinar

Join League members from CT, RI, and MA, and advocates and experts on TCI for this special, tri-state League sponsored event to learn how we can all help reduce pollution that causes respiratory diseases such as asthma while investing equitably in modern, clean, regional transportation solutions.

ranked choice

Alternative Voting Methodologies Study

top of line

Everyone has a stake in this election. The future of democracy depends on how we educate our children and their children. Vote in the May 11 school board election.

Logo of the League of Women Voters
Public Statement

The LWVUS issued a joint statement with the LWV of Minnesota and Minneapolis in response to the Derek Chauvin trial verdict.
