

Links to Other Organizations 



AAUWAmerican Association of University Women "AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research."

ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Delaware. Since its founding in 1920, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has led the fight to protect our most precious rights and freedoms. We always stand ready to challenge abuse of government power at the national, state, local and even school board level."

Common CauseCommon Cause Delaware. According to its website, "Common Cause Delaware is a nonpartisan watchdog group whose mission is to promote open, ethical and accountable government at the local, state and national levels by educating and mobilizing the citizens of Delaware."

Center for JusticeDelaware Center for Justice. "The Delaware Center for Justice, Inc. is a non-profit United Way agency, dedicated to creating a safer, more secure Delaware by seeking to achieve and preserve a high quality of justice. We fulfill our mission through an extensive range of programs and services, public education, research, and advocacy." Programs include Promoting Justice for Victims, Improving Juvenile Justice, Strengthening Adult Offender Re-entry Programs, and Preserving Family Bonds for Incarcerated Parents.

DELCOGDelaware Coalition for Open Government. "The Delaware Coalition for Open Government is one of 44 state affiliates of the National Freedom of Information Coalition (NFOIC), a coalition of journalists, lawyers, elected officials, news organizations, business owners, government employees, civic associations and private citizens who believe that government of the people, by the people and for the people, should be open TO the people. Our goals are to improve, expand and promote public access to government and to inform the public about its intrinsic and legal right to know how its government operates."

Women's Advancement and AdvocacyOffice of Women's Advancement and Advocacy TheDelaware Commission for Women is responsible for advising the newly formed Office of Women's Advancement and Advocacy on strategic planning, project development and programming. The Delaware Women's Hall of Fame Committee fosters an understanding of and an appreciation for the many contributions of the women of Delaware to their home, community, State and nation, and annually recognize and acknowledge the achievements of remarkable Delaware women through the Delaware Women's Hall of Fame. The Delaware Women's Workforce Council works to achieve gender equality in every workplace in the First State by eliminating the gender-based wage gap, removing the visible and invisible barriers to women's advancement, and ensuring that every person, regardless of gender, has an equal opportunity for advancement in the workplace.

Planned ParenthoodPlanned Parenthood Delaware. "The Mission of Planned Parenthood of Delaware is to ensure the right of all individuals to access appropriate information and services necessary to make and act on personal decisions related to their own reproduction, sexuality and health."