President's Message, May 2023

President's Message, May 2023

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Blog Post

May 15, 2023

Dear Members,

Our league is concluding our fiscal and administrative year this month with two asks of our members.

First, please plan on attending the May 23rd Annual Meeting by Zoom at 5:30 p.m. You have received the materials that, per our bylaws, are required for distribution and voting. In preparation for the meeting, please review the materials and decide on your vote. You may contact me with questions.

Second, over the summer please continue to check our website for updates. The Board will be taking a break in June and July and there will be no LWVAC Voter, but the website and the calendar will remain current with pertinent information. We will continue the petition drives for the Right to Clean Water and the Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion campaigns. We will also continue to oppose the GRU Takeover Bill. Although the GRU Takeover Bill was passed by the legislature and awaits likely signature by the governor, our opposition will persist. Stay tuned.

Have a good summer with friends, family, and the natural environment. Nourish and nurture yourself and those around you. Live with gratitude.

In League,

League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County