NewsVoters approved three of the five constitutional amendments and one statutory change on Nov. 5.
- Amendment 2 – Sports Gambling. Winning for Missouri Education won its effort to legalize sports betting online and in person by fewer than 7,500 votes (50.13% to 49.87%). Revenue will be taxed at 10 percent and targeted to educational institutions.
- Amendment 3 – Reproductive Freedom. Missourians for Constitutional Freedom won its effor tvoters to protect reproductive freedom, overturning the state’s current ban and legalizing abortion until fetal viability.
- Amendment 5 – Lake of the Ozark Casino. Voters voted 47.6% to 52.4% to reject a proposal to issue an additional gambling boat license to operate on the portion of the Osage River from the Missouri River to the Bagnell Dam.
- Amendment 6 – Court Fees. Submitted by the legislature as SJR 71, more than 60 percent of voters rejected using court fees to generate revenue for salaries and benefits of current and retired county sheriffs and prosecuting attorneys.
- Amendment 7 – Ranked Choice Voting. Submitted by the legislature as SJR 78, more than 68 percent of voters voted to amend the constitution to block ranked choice voting system and other alternative voting systems, limit voting to only citizens over the age of 18, and only allow paper ballots to be used for elections.
- Proposition A – Minimum Wage and Sick Leave. More than 57.5 percent of voters supported this measure from Missourians for Healthy Families to guarantee that Missouri workers can earn up to seven paid sick days per year and gradually raise the minimum wage to $15/hour. You may want to refer to the Missouri League's fact sheet on Prop A.
Prior to the election, we also prepared a PDF of the pros and cons for each Missouri ballot measure.
For unofficial results published by the Secretary of State, go to State of Missouri - Election Night Results.
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Metro St. Louis