Missouri Public Utility Commission (MPSC) is reviewing the request for an electric rate case filed by Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri. If approved, the increase would raise rates by roughly $17 per month for those using 1,011 kilowatts-hours in a month. For more information, see the case description on the PSC’s website.
League of Women Voters of Metro STL (LWV Metro STL) and the Environmental Quality and Climate Committee (EQC2) have a long history of opposing rate increases by Ameren, Spire, and American Water using League positions that protect air, land, and water resources.
Ameren is currently asking for this increase to recoup losses from grid upgrades and investing in cleaner electricity generation. Ameren has enjoyed three rate increases from 2020 – 2023. The Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) just approved a Fuel Adjustment increase of $1.45 per month and a Renewable Energy Standard Rate Adjustment of $1.69 per month. They also approved the $800 million dollars for Ameren to construct a methane plant that will further increase rates in the future.
We base our opposition on the League’s strong Natural Resource Positions, which say in part, “The League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) believes that natural resources should be managed as interrelated parts of life-supporting ecosystems. Resources should be conserved and protected to assure their future availability. Pollution of these resources should be controlled to preserve the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of ecosystems and to protect public health.” [Impact on Issues, p. 91]
In addition, the League supports energy policies that reduce energy growth rates, emphasizing energy conservation and encouraging the use of renewable resources. The League supports rate setting policies for utilities that provide assistance for low-income individuals when energy prices bear unduly on the poor. LWV program, policy and positions support action to slow the rate of climate change, to counter environmental justice concerns, to oppose rate changes, and to not delay the retirement of the St. Louis regional coal plants and coal ash waste sites that harm the environment, our children and future generations.
We urge League members and the public to submit their own individual written comments before January 20, 2025. All comments must refer to case ER-2024-0319.
Send written comments to the Missouri Public Service Commission at 200 Madison Street, PO Box 360, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0360. You may email comments to pscinfo [at] psc.mo.gov. Another option is filing comments electronically using the Commission’s electronic filing system.
For more information, see the description of this case on the PSC’s website, or email EnvironmentalQuality [at] lwvstl.org.