All Oconee and Pickens Counties Articles


A number of studies have reported that both the health of South Carolinians and the state’s economy would improve if Medicaid were expanded to include 360,000 residents with very low incomes.

Healthcare in SC update
Research & Studies

Health Care in Anderson/Oconee/Pickens Counties and SC

Submitted by Janet Marsh Member, LWVOP Health Care Team


The Supreme Court: What's Next Monthly Program
Press Mention

Chip Stapleton (left) and Holley Ulbrich, Co-President of LWVOP (right)

Freedom to Read group photo
Press Mention

To: Editor, The Journal
From: LWV of Oconee and Pickens Counties (LWVOP)
Contact: Janet Marsh 864.710.0557
For Immediate Release: Residents Pack Community Meeting on Book Censorship
Date: September 20, 2023 

voter banner with many words encouraging voting

LWVOP Report on the November 8 Election in Oconee and Pickens Counties


Are you aware of "independent state legislature theory (ISLT)?" If not, read what the league is doing and read about the danger of this theory.

Voting John Lewis

The league, long known for focusing on voter registration and other fundamentals, became more willing to speak boldly during the Trump era.


This is a red alert moment for sexual and reproductive rights in South Carolina.
