LWV Supports Electoral Checks and Balances in Moore v. Harper

LWV Supports Electoral Checks and Balances in Moore v. Harper


Are you aware of "independent state legislature theory (ISLT)?" If not, read what the league is doing and read about the danger of this theory.

On October 26, Leagues from all 50 states and DC filed an amicus brief in Moore v. Harper. The case concerns the so-called “independent state legislature theory,” which, if adopted, would have far-reaching implications for the future of American democracy.

As LWV’s CEO Virginia Kase Solomón stated in our press release:

“Historically, state legislatures have enacted the most harmful and suppressive anti-voter laws...The Independent State Legislature Theory is a dangerous, fringe ideology that leaves voters effectively defenseless from harmful election laws.” 

Learn more about the case.

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