

LWV Work

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Elections affect every area of our lives, from health care to jobs to racial justice. When we choose our leaders by voting, we’re choosing the people who will make decisions that shape the direction of our country and our communities. LWVUS

Watch this video to be told  by a 106 year old woman about the importance of voting.


Are You Registered to Vote?

Verify your voter registration here (VOTE411). Take a minute to confirm that you are registered to vote in Delaware. Protect your right to vote by making sure that you are registered. That website, iVote.DE.gov, provides you with polling locations and links for editing your registration, obtaining an absentee ballot, etc.  

This Way to the Voting Booth 2023-2024

Register to vote today!

2024 Election & Voting Information

 Important Election Dates*:

  • 8/17/24   Deadline to register to vote before the 9/10/24 State Primary election.
  • 9/10/24   Delaware State Primary Election
  • 10/12/24  Deadline for unregistered citizens to register to vote in the 2024 General Election.
  • 11/5/24    2024 General Election

* for more information, please see the 2024 Delaware Election Calendar.  

      • For information on all elections, refer to The Delaware Department of Elections website.
        • The Department of Elections for New Castle County: Telephone: 302-577-3464
        • The Department of Elections for Kent County Telephone: 302-739-4498
        • The Department of Elections for Sussex County Telephone: 302-856-5367

Voting Information for all Delaware Residents 

      • Does Voting Matter?  Real Answers from Real People. A brief video created by members of LWVDE.
      • You Must register to vote in Delaware elections, except for School Board elections.

Voting in County, State, & Federal Elections 

      • Finding your polling place as we get closer to Election Day, you will be able to find your polling place, use VOTE411.
      • ID needed for voting: Identification is required ONLY if you have registered using the National Voter Registration Form and thus did not supply it originally.
        • In that case, the voter must present current identification which includes a current and valid photo ID that shows full name and address. If a photo ID cannot be produced, a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government documents that show full name and address will be accepted. Identification is also required the first time you vote in person or with an in-person absentee ballot.

Absentee Ballot Process

To vote absentee, you must submit an affidavit to request a ballot and swear or affirm that you are unable to go to your regular polling place during the election. The affidavit can be obtained by phoning or writing your County Board of Elections or an absentee affidavit may be filled out online at the ivote.de.gov voter portal or downloaded from the Delaware Department of Elections website.

Early Voting

You may vote early (before election day) in-person at your County Board of Elections. Be sure to take proof of identity with you when you go to vote. The Delaware Department of Elections website lists places and times.

Polling Place Hours

The polling place hours on Election Day are 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. If you are in line waiting to vote at closing time, you may cast your vote even if it is done after 8:00 pm. 

Provisional Voting

If you are a registered voter in your election district but your name does not appear on the official poll list, you may be able to vote by updating the record of a name or address change or by provisional ballot. Provisional ballots cover only federal offices such as President, Vice President, US Senate, and US Congress.

Voting Machines

The voting system used in Delaware is Direct Recording Electronic (DRE), with a paper ballot backup for recounts and auditability. Delaware voters should always be sure to visually check that the paper ballot inserted into the machine reflects their intended voting chioces before pressing the machine's button to finalize their vote.

For Voters with Special Needs

All people qualified and desiring to vote must be given the opportunity to do so. It is the goal of the State of Delaware to provide all citizens with any necessary assistance to make that happen: Accessible polling places, Accessible voting machines, Voting by Absentee Ballot, Assistance at any point as a means of accommodation. For details, go to the Department of Elections for Delaware.

Administrative Complaints

If you experience a problem with voting systems standards, provisional voting or any other voting problem covered by Title III of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and wish to register a formal complaint, there is a specific process to do so. Find details at the Department of Elections for Delaware.

Candidates Services

Find information for candidates for public office in Delaware including how to register to be a candidate, voter statistics, and past election reports as well as online Delaware state law resources about candidate activities and guidelines.

For information about voting and elections not covered above: Contact your county Department of Elections. See the links above.

Voting in Municipal Elections

Town and city charters determine voter qualifications for municipal elections. Some allow property owners who are not full-time residents to vote and to serve on the local council or commission. Most municipal elections are held separately from general elections in the state.

To vote in city or town elections you must register with the local jurisdiction. The Delaware League of Local Governments provides links to websites of local governments in Delaware. You can find contact information there.

To vote in city elections that are placed on the state general election ballot a person must be registered with the state before voting.

The state has established requirements for the conduct of municipal elections. There is a separate affidavit to apply for an absentee ballot in municipal elections. Contact your County Department of Elections. See the links below.

Voting in School Board Elections

To vote in school board elections a person must be a resident in the school district holding the election and be at least 18 years of age. Advance registration is not necessary. You may vote by absentee ballot if you cannot be present on election day. Contact the Delaware Department of Elections for information.


VOTE411 candidate guide for the September 13th primary election went live on 8/8/22.  Vote411 was launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, VOTE411 is a "one-stop-shop" for election-related information. It provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on all aspects of the election process.