We need more solar, wind and other clean energy to power our state and nation.

We need more solar, wind and other clean energy to power our state and nation.

Renewable energy
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Jun 14 2020 to Jun 28 2020


Dear LWV members and friends,

Our current Delaware law requires that 25% of our electricity must come from renewable energy by 2025.  Senator McDowell has been leading the charge for years to improve this goal.  Now he has filed SB 250, which will increase our clean energy standard to 40% by 2035.  While we might prefer a more ambitious target, this will be a major step forward.  Unfortunately, Senator McDowell says he is retiring after this year, so this is his last chance to get his proposal adopted.  We believe it will be a real setback for renewable energy if we lose him without having passed into law his proposal.

Given the shortness of this Session due to coronavirus delays and dire budgetary issues, we may find that this good bill may be lost in the shuffle without significant public pressure to pass it.

What can you do?  We need to urge our state Senators, State Representatives, and the Governor to pass SB 250 without delay.  We need you to email your state leaders with this message right away.

If you don't already have your state Senator and Representative on "speed dial", you can find their email addresses and others at legis.delaware.gov. Contact Governor Carney at governor.delaware.gov

When you send your email, we would appreciate a ‘cc’ so we can track how well this campaign is doing. Of course, a phone call to your Senator, Representative, and the Governor would be a good strategy, as well.

With great hopes that we can make this happen,

Environmental Portfolio co-chairs:
Coralie Pryde (coraliepryde [at] gmail.com) and Charlie Garlow (charliegarlow350 [at] gmail.com 301-312-7703).

(Call or write us if you have questions)


This action alert is related to which committees: 
Environment Action Committee