Impact of Redistricting

Impact of Redistricting

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The process called “redistricting” will determine how our local school board, city council, state legislative, and congressional districts are drawn. How can our communities participate? How can we ensure that our interests are being heard and represented by our elected officials? How can we ensure that the voting strength of our communities is not weakened? What are the important factors to consider in redistricting?

The federal government counts how many people reside in the United States once every ten years for reapportionment, among other purposes. The census count happens at the beginning of each decade. The accuracy of the census count is critical as the distribution of federal funds at the local level, and the distribution of political power at all levels of government depends on it.

Even though this document was written almost 10 years ago, it still tells the story. It will answer the questions listed above, by laying out the importance of getting involved with the redistricting process and providing resources and contact information.

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The Impact of Redistricting in YOUR Community:
A Guide to Redistricting


CHAPTER 1: Frequently Asked Questions About Redistricting
CHAPTER 2: Key Redistricting Standards and Concepts
CHAPTER 3: Participating in the Redistricting Process
CHAPTER 4:The Role of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act During Redistricting
CHAPTER 5: Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act and Redistricting
CHAPTER 6: Language Assistance at the Polls and the Voting Rights Act
CHAPTER 7: The Impact of Census Data and Policies on Redistricting
CHAPTER 8: Non-Citizens and Political Representation
CHAPTER 9: Redistricting Reform Measures
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 1: List of Jurisdictions Covered Under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act
  • Appendix 2: Redistricting in Your State
  • Appendix 3: Glossary of Redistricting Terms
  • Partner Organizations