Forum on Legislative Priorities of the LWVDE

Forum on Legislative Priorities of the LWVDE

Photo shows the General Assembly Chambers at the Delaware State Capitol in Dover, DE


Zoom web conference
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 10:00am to 11:30am

The LWVDE Advocacy Corps invites you to a forum on the 2022 Legislative Priorities of the League of Women Voters of Delaware, to be held by Zoom web conference.

This special event will highlight key legislative initiatives, featuring the bill’s prime sponsors – who will describe the bill and respond to our questions. Participating will be:

    • Representative Paul Baumbach: HB 140, End of Life Options Act (The Ron Silverio/Heather Block End of Life Options Law);
    • Representative Debra J. HeffernanEnvironmental Legislative Priorities;
    • Senate Majority Whip S. Elizabeth Lockman: SB 149, LEOBOR (An Act to Amend Title 11 of the DE Code Relating to the Law-Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights);
    • Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend: the Future of an Independent Redistricting Commission.

This is the first of a series of planned events spotlighting the League’s legislative priorities.

The public is cordially invited. Please pre-register using the link provided, and feel free to share the event flier with others who may be interested: PDF icon lwvde_legislative_priorities_forum_dec_8_2021.pdf