LWVUS Schedules a Program Planning Webinar

LWVUS Schedules a Program Planning Webinar

Woman writing her Vermont Representatives

The League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS) has scheduled a Program Planning Webinar to be held on Wednesday December 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM in Eastern Time, by Zoom web conference. This webinar will feature basic information about League Program planning for those new to it or those who may need a refresher.

Please pre-register for the event using this Zoom Registration link.

Note: The word "Program" has a special definition in League parlance...

        PROGRAM:  Selected governmental issues chosen by members at the local, state and national levels for study and action.

Come learn the process by which your League decides where to focus their energy each biennium. Individual League members can and should influence this planning. Listen in to find out how you can have a say!

Notice: the original headline of this article stating "LWVDE Schedules a Program Planning Webinar" was incorrect. While still valuable training, this Dec 15 webinar is hosted by LWVUS, not our state league.

League to which this content belongs: 