Fact vs. Fiction: Training the Public to Identify Mis- and Dis-information

Fact vs. Fiction: Training the Public to Identify Mis- and Dis-information

mis info
Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 7:00pm

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Fact vs. Fiction: Training the Public to Identify
Mis- and Dis-information 

Presented by Erica Smitka, Deputy Director, LWV of New York State

Thursday, April 25, 7 pm, via Zoom 

Co-sponsored by the LWV of Sussex County, Delaware, the LWV of Delaware, and the LWV of New York State

In recent years, polarization, extremism, and the amplification of mis- and disinformation have impacted election administration as bad actors try to sway election outcomes. It’s important to combat the rising tide of mis- and disinformation as it threatens harm to online and in-person communities.


Learn to distinguish between fact and fiction and how to train the public to do the same. Join us for a presentation of Fact vs. Fiction: Training the Public to Identify Mis- and Dis-information on Thursday, April 25th at 7 p.m. Developed by the LWV of New York (LWVNY) for their Regional Training Workshops, and generously shared with the Delaware Leagues, this webinar will help you better distinguish between mis- and dis-information, the purpose and impact of both, and how we can educate the public to spot inaccurate information in their daily lives.

This webinar is exclusive to LWVDE members thanks to
our "sister" organization in New York State!
Please do not share this information with non-members.

Register for the webinar here and join us on Thursday night! 


 We'll be looking for you online.