

DE logo

There are three Local Leagues in Delaware, covering the entire state:

Historically each Local League in Delaware has its own separate website. However, we have moved to a single combined website, here at, which will streamline our online presence, reduce redundancy, and make it easier for the Delaware voting community to find the information they are looking for. The shortcut URL's listed above will take you to the most current website for each county.

LWV Organizational Structure

The League of Women Voters of the US has a hierarchical structure, with national, state, and local levels:

hierarchical organizational chart shown, LWVUS at top level, LWVDE middle level, Delaware local Leagues at bottom

A chart illustrating the three-level LWV organizational structure


New Membership Model

LWV members have traditionally joined at the local League level, which automatically made them members also at the state and national levels. But for the sake of better ease and consistency, LWV of the United States is currently transitioning to a centralized membership model, in which members will join at the national level, which will automatically make them members at the state and local levels also.

For more details about the new membership model that started in February 2025, please refer to this frequently asked questions document: Member Focused FAQ.pdf

Although the membership methodology is changing, you can still use the "Join" option or button on each Delaware local League's website to join or renew your membership.