Local League voter service work includes voter registration and voter educational publications, guides and events.
They Represent You - NCC Extended Version
LWVNCC provides this helpful publication -- They Represent You-- as a service to the New Castle County community. This is a New Castle County extended version of the LWVDE document by the same name, which lists out elected officials both county and state-wide along with their phone numbers, emails and other contact information. Elected officials work for you; don't hesitate to reach out to them with your concerns or advocacy.
Voter Education Tables
LWVNCC has a proud history of serving the community by providing Voter Registration & Information tables at hundreds of local colleges, schools, and other New Castle County community locales or events over the years. Patti Christopher, one of our local League legends, ably coordinated this work for many years and will forever have our admiration and sincere gratitude.
Our event tabling work has shifted in recent years to be more of a voter education resource, as most Delaware voters register to vote either online or at the DMV when they get their Delaware state ID or driver's license. To request a League voter education table at your location or event, please fill our our online Voter Services Request Form.
New Citizen Packets
Lorraine Botticelli heads our new citizens program, taking over from Connie Georgov who led this effort for over twenty years. LWV volunteers distribute welcome packets at new citizen naturalization ceremonies. The ceremonies are held at the Carvel Government Building in Wilmington or at U.D.'s Clayton Hall in Newark.
Each time the ceremony is held, usually about 70 foreign-born men, women and children become U.S. citizens. Following distribution of naturalization certificates, the new citizens file past the registration table operated by the Delaware Department of Elections.
Eight times a year Lorraine and other League members distribute packets of voter information to new citizens. The packet includes a welcome letter, voting information, a list of citizen resposibilities and a roster of federal and state and local officials.
Leaguers who lend a hand with this activity feel gratified to have participated in this important first step for newly sworn-in citizens. Please contact Lorraine or the League office if you'd like to participate; helping hands are always welcome and needed.
VOTE411 Online Voter Guide
VOTE411.org is an online voters guide website hosted by the League of Women Voters USA.
The Delaware leagues have participated in this program starting in 2012, compiling information on all candidates for elected positions statewide. Thousands of Delawareans use VOTE411 to help them prepare for the primary and general elections. Since 2019, we have also provided VOTE411 coverage for school board elections in Delaware, which are held statewide on the second Tuesday each May.
Volunteers are needed each election cycle to help draft questions for the candidates, encourage the candidates to respond to the questionnaire, and publicize the VOTE411.org guide to the voting public. Please contact Jill Itzkowtiz or the League office if you'd like to be a part of the VOTE411 team.
Candidate Forums
LWVNCC sponsors and moderates forums at the NCC local level, such as county or town council or city mayor races, or General Assembly seats whose districts lie within our county, and LWVDE sponsors forums for statewide candidates.
Candidate debates are a valuable service, providing one of the only opportunities voters have to listen to candidates offer more than just a brief sound bite. Debates provide an opportunity to hear what candidates are saying and to form your own opinions of the candidates based on your own observations.
Each successful forum requires lots of behind-the-scenes prep work, and helpers on the night of the event. Please contact Joyce Ford or the League office if you'd like to help on the LWVNCC candidate forums team.
Tenants Association Elections
Assisting residents of low-income housing projects in organizing tenants' councils and in holding elections is another important activity of our League. Working with the Delaware Housing Coalition (DHC), the statewide Association of Tenants and the Wilmington Housing Authority, the League serves as a third party overseeing the nominating process and conducting elections for tenants. The DHC and the League have written a manual for tenants explaining the nominating and election process for resident councils.
For many years League member Pat Todd has directed this effort in New Castle County. She needs a protegé! If you would enjoy helping with this special voter services project, please contact Pat or the League office.
Quick contact info for LWVNCC...
Phone: (302) 571-8948 ~ Email: lwvncc [at] comcast.net