Membership Committee

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee plays an essential role in maintaining and enhancing the strength of our League in the Sussex community, assisting the work of the LWVSCDE's other committees by helping to provide a committed and involved membership base.

Although some individuals join our League solely to provide their financial support, the vast majority of our members seek active involvement, as their time permits, in the hard work required for our organization to thrive and fulfill its mission. The following is a more detailed explanation of the Membership Committee’s responsibilities:

Membership Committee Responsibilities:

  • Cultivate new and existing LWVSCDE members through personal outreach.
  • Develop social events on pertinent topics for members and the public.
  • Use evaluation forms from events to apprise Board of trends, member interest and concerns.
  • Maintain communications with Committee Chairs to connect interested members.
  • Maintain accurate membership records with members contact info in database and spreadsheets.
  • Prompt members to renew membership in June.
  • Maintain communications with Nominations Committee to suggest new board members.
  • Encourage members to invite new members to each social event.

For more detailed information on the Membership Committee's responsibilities, click here.

Any person who would like more information regarding the work of the Membership Committee,  or who would be interested in attending a meeting, is invited to contact Committee Chair Sue Claire Harper at secmate47 [at]