Observer Corps... Protecting Your Right to Know

Observer Corps... Protecting Your Right to Know

Observer corp buttonJoining other Leagues throughout the country, the LWV of Sussex County established an "Observer Corps" in January 2009 to help ensure that government tranparency laws, or "sunshine" laws, are being followed in our community     

Observers monitor governmental bodies to learn how issues are being addressed and whether proper notice is given before issues are discussed and decided, public input is solicited and open meeting laws are followed. The Corps also serves as the "eyes and ears" of the League, identifying issues that are important to our mission so the League can act, if warranted.

     Our emphasis has been to have League Observers present at as many County Council and Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission meetings as possible. The meetings are held in County Council Chambers in Georgetown, with Council held most Tuesday mornings and P&Z meeting twice a month on Thursday evenings. At the beginning of each month, Observers volunteer for any meeting or meetings they can attend.

     Observers prepare summaries of the meetings to keep the League officers, committees, and members aware of decisions of the Council and Planning & Zoning Commission.  These reports can provide action items for further League involvement in the county.  Example Observer Corps Reporting Form

Recent Observer Corps reports are listed below. 

If you are interested in participating in this program as a regular or occasional Observer,
please contact young [at] (Jack Young), Observer Corps Chair.

 2024 Observer Corps Reports