LWVNCC Primary Candidate Forum for New Castle County Executive

LWVNCC Primary Candidate Forum for New Castle County Executive


Zoom webinar
Monday, August 19, 2024 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

NCC residents - prepare to vote in Delaware's Sept 10 2024 Primary Election! (NCC Executive forum graphic)

Virtual Candidate Forum

Learn about the candidates in the NCC Executive Democratic Primary election:

    • Event Date:  8/19/2024, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
    • Location:  Zoom webinar
    • Hosted by:  LWV of New Castle County

Forum video will be available afterward on the LWV of Delaware website: lwvdelaware.org

This forum is free and are open to the public. Please pre-register for the webinar using the blue link provided above.

Questions for the candidates may be submitted in advance using this online form: Ask the Candidates for NCC Executive Forum

There are two candidates in the Democratic Primary for New Castle County Executive, Karen Hartley-Nagle and Marcus Henry, and both will be present at the forum. 

There are currently no candidates filed for this office under other political parties.