Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 6:00pm to Friday, March 7, 2025 - 12:00am
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DoMore24 - Delaware's Giving Day
Prepare for DoMore24, Delaware's 24 hours of giving that starts on March 6, 2025 at 6pm.
Learn more, or sign up for an event reminder, here: LWVDE DoMore24
This fundraiser supports our state League (LWVDE) as well as our local Leagues; each county League will get 10% of the total amount raised.
Standing for Democracy!
Help LWVDE continue its work in getting you and your neighbors the information you need to make informed choices in the voting booth! Due to your support, the League was able to hold hundreds of voter educational events during the 2024 election season.
Besides preparing for the 2026 election season, your support will aid us in achieving all of our 2025 goals, including:
- Safeguarding early voting and expanding voting rights in Delaware.
- Protecting women’s rights, especially reproductive freedom.
- Improving Delaware schools by advocating for legislation and promoting school board elections.
- Continuing to track bills, testify and contact legislators regarding The issues you care about such as health, housing and the environment.
Our fundraiser goal of $10,000 would allow us to employ strategies to get out the vote, provide candidate forums for the public, print and distribute educational materials for local events, pay for and advertise the Vote 411.org site, and provide reminders to the public about the various elections.