LWV of Norwalk

LWV of Norwalk

League members with "100 Years and Counting" banner, Memorial Day Parade 2023

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The Norwalk League of Women Voters serves the city of Norwalk, Connecticut.

Join Us:  LWV Norwalk Membership Application

Membership Dues:

  • Individual members: $75 per year is the recommended amount, or pay what you can ($20 minimum).
  • You can add a second member ($150 total for both recommended, $40 for both minimum), but they each will need to provide a unique email address.
  • Life members: In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.

To join and pay your dues by check:
Print and complete this membership form. (Please include the name and email address of any additional household member included in the dues amount.)
Please make your dues check payable to: LWVUS.
Mail your check and membership form to:
League of Women Voters of Norwalk
P.O. Box 644
Norwalk, CT 06852-0644


For more information, contact League of Women Voters of Norwalk (203) 394-1710
Phone: (203) 846-8331 
Email: lwv.norwalk [at] gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lwvnorwalk/
Postal mail: League of Women Voters of Norwalk, P.O. Box 644, Norwalk, CT 06852-0644


2025 Legislative Forum

The League thanks @NancyOnNorwalk for cosponsoring and videotaping our legislative forum Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 7-8 PM in the Community Room of Norwalk City Hall. This was our annual Q&A with Norwalk's state legislators. The legislators answered audience questions about what the state legislature can do for us.

Coverage and video are now available: https://www.nancyonnorwalk.com/nancyonnorwalk-to-livestream-legislative-forum-with-state-delegation/

PDF icon 125_legislative_forum_flyer-5.pdf

Tabling at community gatherings 2024

Contact us (see above) for dates, times, and places where we'll be and how you can help. In addition to voter registration, at our table we offer handouts about upcoming candidate debates/forums, elections, and issues. In 2024 we emphasized the upcoming ballot question on no-excuse absentee voting.

Steering Committee Meetings 2024

Monthly Steering Committee Meetings

LWV Norwalk's steering committee meets monthly on a weekday evening (usually the 2nd Monday of the month) in person or via Zoom. If you'd like to attend, please call or email us for details and we will notify you of the time and location or link to the next meeting. All League members, and those thinking of joining the League, are welcome to attend.
Phone: (203) 846-8331 


2024 Election Forum: Thursday, 10/24/24, the LWV of Norwalk held a candidate forum for the 141st legislative district which includes parts of Rowayton and Darien. Candidates Tracy Marra (incumbent, R) and Sheila Quinn (challenger, D) participated.
If you missed the debate and would like to watch it, the zoom recording is available at the following link and passcode: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/xlr14nxkXs1NCL3Evycp1TG3FZtk5G69uvodAh...
Passcode: v$.0ehp2

2022 Election Forums: LWV Norwalk hosted and collaborated on candidate forums in October 2022. PDF icon 2022_forum_flyer_updated.pdf
Forums can be viewed on You Tube after the fact:

See also Connecticut Public Television at https://www.ctpublic.org/ct-votes/2022-election-debates. These televised debates are available as podcasts after the fact. https://omny.fm/shows/connecticut-votes-2022-election-debates 

Secretary of the State, RESCHEDULED for Tuesday, October 18 at 8 PM
Candidates: Dominic Rapini (R) and Stephanie Thomas (D)
Moderator: Walter Smith Randolph
Location: University of Hartford, Lincoln Theater, West Hartford, CT

U.S. House of Representatives, 4th Congressional District, Thursday, October 13th at 8pm

Candidates: Jim Himes (D - incumbent) and Jayme Stevenson (R)
Moderator: Khalilah Brown-Dean
Location: Norwalk Community College, David Levinson Theater, Norwalk, CT

U.S. Senate, Tuesday, October 25th at 8pm

Candidates: Richard Blumenthal (D - incumbent) and Leora Levy (R)
Moderator: John Henry Smith
Location: Fairfield University, Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield, CT

Gubernatorial, Thursday, October 27th at 8pm

Candidates: Ned Lamont (D - incumbent) and Bob Stefanowski (R)
Moderator: Lucy Nalpathanchil
Location: Fairfield University, Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield, CT

Debates are available to watch and listen on demand: see "How to Watch" tab https://www.ctpublic.org/ct-votes/2022-election-debates#how-to-watch

NOTE: The League did not hold forums for the 140th and 141st State Representative districts because the candidates for those districts ran unopposed.

To view the ballot for your address, visit https://www.vote411.org/ and choose "Find out what's on your ballot." Be aware that your district(s) and polling place may have changed since the redistricting of 2021.

Our Pie & Politics annual legislative forum was held virtually on 3/12/2022. Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/8CwbxOKCjF5C9st5ldhZpaDJgHdbXbMc7UjkAyIKe7FSofRsQPjDZTNkLP3snN8E.S5GZad5I7h50Z6fD

 Access Passcode: 3WT6ps=#

LWV Norwarlk Annual Meet and Greet Flyer 2021

Meet & Greet was held virtually 1/31/2021

Our 2021 annual winter Meet & Greet topic was "Making Our Democracy Safe and Secure," featuring Myrna Perez, Director of the Brennan Center's Voting Rights and Elections Program.

 Watch the Recording Here

Find Upcoming LWVCT Events


In 2024 Norwalk will hold primary and general elections:

The Presidential Preference Primary: April 2, with early voting on March 26, 27, 28, and 30.

Primary elections for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, State Senate, and State Representative: August 13, with early voting beginning August 5. There is a statewide Republican primary for U.S. Senate. The 4th Congressional District has a Republican primary. The 140th State Representative District has a Democratic primary.

Election Day for the general election is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Polls are open from 6 AM - 8 PM. Early voting October 21 - November 3. PDF icon early_voting_2024_general_election_digital_brochure_english_color.pdf
You must be registered to vote.

Check your registration using the Voter Lookup tool on the Secretary of the State website: https://portal.ct.gov/SOTS/Election-Services/Voter-Information/Voter-Registration-Information

Norwalk Voting Districts / Polling Places
To find out which district you live in and where to vote, visit the Norwalk Registrar of Voters http://www.norwalkct.org/339/Registrar-of-Voters-Elections-Administra and follow the "Where Do I Vote?" link under FAQs; or call the Registrar's office at (203) 854-7996.

To see the actual sample ballot for your district, go to the Registrar of Voters and click on “Sample Ballots” https://www.norwalkct.org/339/Registrar-of-Voters-Elections-Administra

VOTING ABSENTEE? Did you know you can track your ballot online? Visit the Secretary of the State's Voter Registration Lookup and choose Norwalk (or whatever town you live in) from the drop-down menu, type in your last name and first name, and your date of birth MM/DD/YYYY. Click "Search" and you'll see the status of your absentee ballot along with your registration and your polling place. (NOTE: If you've voted absentee, you cannot go vote in person. However, if you requested/received an absentee ballot and did not use it, you may vote in person instead.) 

NOTE: PDF icon Your polling place may change between even- and odd-numbered years. This is because the boundaries of our State Representative districts are different from the boundaries of our municipal Common Council districts. State/federal elections take place in even-numbered years, and municipal elections take place in odd-numbered years. The 2021 redistricting also changed the district boundaries and polling places for many Norwalk voters.

To look up your State Representative, see: http://www.norwalkct.org/1290/State-Reps-Senate-and-Congress

To look up your Norwalk property information, school and voting districts, school bus routes, and each Norwalk Common Council member in your district, see: http://my.norwalkct.org/aboutmyplace/


Each year, LWV Norwalk gives an award to two college-bound graduating seniors from each of Norwalk's public high schools. Students are eligible to apply if they are of the first generation in their family to attend college and have financial need. This program is funded entirely by donations to the LWV Education Fund. Help us build the next generation of voters! Donate online or send a check payable to LWV Education Fund with "Norwalk" in the memo line, to LWV Norwalk, P.O. Box 644, Norwalk, CT 06852. You may also donate via Venmo; contact us (see Contact Us below) for details.File 12-24_fundraising_letter_scholarship_email.docx


Phone: (203) 846-8331 
Email: lwv.norwalk [at] gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lwvnorwalk/
Postal mail: League of Women Voters of Norwalk, P.O. Box 644, Norwalk, CT 06852-0644



Election 2024: Candidate Forums/Debates

 Candidate Forums 2024

Thursday, October 24, at 7:30 we will host a forum on Zoom with candidates for the 141st state legislative district (Darien and the Rowayton area of Norwalk). Members of the public may submit questions to < lwv.norwalk [at] gmail [dot] com > by Wednesday, October 23.

Link to access the event:

Flyer for 10/24/24 candidate forum, 141st state legislative district


Election 2023: Candidate Forums/Debates

PDF icon 2023_candidate_forum_flyer_final_revised.pdfBe an informed voter! LWV-sponsored candidate forums will be held Thursday, October 19, for Common Council At-Large (Norwalk city hall community room; recording available https://youtu.be/e2vNicyH90o ) and Thursday, October 26 for Mayoral and Common Council In-District (Congregation Beth-El, 109 East Avenue). Both are at 7-9 PM. There will also be a Board of Education forum (hosted by Norwalk ACTS) on Monday, October 23 via Zoom 7 - 8:30 PM. To preregister, visit https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0oce-rqTMvGtNJ0imvEyk-Owiio_z1nCTU#/registration

Memorial Day Parade 2023

LWV members with "100 Years and Counting" banner at Norwalk's Memorial Day Parade, Monday 5/29/23
League members marched in Norwalk's Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 29, 2023.

(No Pie) Politics legislative forum

On Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 9:30 - 11:00 AM at Cornerstone Community Church, West Ave., the five State Representatives from Norwalk and our State Senator took questions from members of the public and told us about their work in the General Assembly. Thanks to all who participated!

Norwalk's state legislators at LWV town hall

PDF icon lwvn_norwalk_3.25.23_leg_event.pdf

Misinformation Harms American Democracy ... and here’s what we can do about it.
LWV Norwalk and Norwalk Public Library hosted our annual winter Meet & Greet on Sunday, February 5, 2023, from 2:30 - 4 PM at the Norwalk Public Library. Presentation by Attorney Mekela Panditharatne and Dr. Maya Kornberg, both staff experts from the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School.



PDF icon flyer_meet-greet_20230205.pdf

Hill Sisters plaque unveiling

Monday, January 30, 2023, at 11:30 AM at 500 West Avenue: Norwalk Mayor Harry W. Rilling cordially invited the community to a plaque unveiling ceremony to honor the three Norwalk Hill sisters. The Hill sisters, Clara, Elsie, and Helena were leaders in the CT and national suffrage movement. They worked tirelessly for the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment. They crisscrossed the country, giving lectures, organizing marches, and even going to jail after picketing the White House to advocate for a woman's right to vote.
January 30 was selected for the event because it's the anniversary of the arrival of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association Votes for Women Campaign trolley in Norwalk. The trolley arrived on January 30, 1912, to hold a rally for women's voting rights, one of 46 municipalities on the route in Fairfield, New Haven, and Hartford counties that winter.
The plaque is a gift to the City of Norwalk from the William G. Pomeroy Foundation in partnership with the National Collaborative for Women's History Sites. The City of Norwalk worked in collaboration with Historic Rowayton, the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion, the Norwalk Historical Society, the Norwalk History Room, and the Norwalk Library to bring the Hill sisters plaque to Norwalk.

Legislative preview 2023 (NOTE: This is not a League event, but the League encourages civic engagement with all elected officials.)

Wednesday, February 1, 2023, 6:30 - 7:30 PM in the Norwalk City Hall community room, the Norwalk delegation of state legislators held a town hall-type forum to preview the 2023 legislative session and answer questions from the public. All are welcomel 

Summer Meet & Mingle

Thanks to all who attended! Thursday, August 25, 2022, 6-8 PM, at Ripka's Beach Cafe, 99 Calf Pasture Beach Road, Norwalk, CT 06851.Enjoy light snacks and friendship while learning more about the League and our mission! Suggested donation $10.

Beach umbrellas with text details for the Summer Meet & Mingle, 8/25/22


Meet and Greet 2022
Our annual winter Meet and Greet was held on Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 4 PM via Zoom. Brennan Center Fellow Andrew Garber spoke about the challenges and opportunities we currently face when it comes to voting rights in Connecticut and nationwide.

PDF icon flier_for_andrew_garber_event_february_6_2022.pdfPDF icon flier_for_andrew_garber_event_february_6_2022.pdf

LWV Norwalk in the Norwalk Historical Society Women's History Month symposium at Mill Hill.

This In-person event was CANCELED due to COVID-19 public health advisories, but LWV is still featured in Norwalk Stamp Club's 2020 first-day cover commemorating woman suffrage, the 19th Amendment, and founding of the League. 
Alice Paul and Woman Suffrage Centennial first day cover cachet designed by Chris Calle

Famed stamp designer Chris Calle created a special envelope for the event, which will be sold online. The colorful cachet design features suffragist Alice Paul (1885-1977), a Connecticut resident. The envelope will have the 78-cent U.S. stamp honoring her, a stamp also designed by Calle, as well as another stamp saluting woman suffrage.

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