New Members

New Members

Welcome Aboard

Events and Activities I Members Only Login I Resources

Welcome to LWV Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc.

Joining the League is a great way to get involved in your community and play an active role in our democracy. We:

  • encourage informed and active participation in government,
  • work to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and
  • influence public policy through education and advocacy,

Our volunteers work year-round to register new voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with election information they need.  We engage at the local and state levels on legislative priorities and efforts to improve our elections and protect our democracy.  We currently have 3 important areas of study and action: Fair ElectionsPublic Education, and Voter Services

To learn more about us, view our LWVODC 101 slide presentation.

League Events and Acivities

  • Keep up to date on upcoming League events by looking at the Events Calendar on our website.
  • More League volunteer opportunities can be found on our Get Involved webpage.  

Members Only Webpage

Our LWVODC website has a Members Only webpage, which contains information such as LWVODC Bylaws, Annual Meeting information, archived newsletters, etc. To access the Members Only webpage, you must login to the website. 

The login area is located at the top right corner of the red bar on the webpages. Your username is your email address or your first and last name with no space between. Example: MaryJones. Your temporary password is LWVLastname@ODC. Example: LWVJones@ODC. You can change your password at any time. Your password must be at least 10 characters long.

The first time you login, you may see a web page titled Welcome to My League Online. Select North Carolina and then Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc., and you will be on our website. When you are logged in, the Members Only webpage link will appear at the bottom of the side menu bar. If you have any questions, please contact our webmistress at lwvodc1 [at], and she will be glad to help you.

LWV Resources

For more information, contact us at lwvodc1 [at]