Committees and Collaborations

Committees and Collaborations

This space guides you on how we collaborate to put 'feet on the ground' for Voter Services and Advocacy. 

 Each year, the Metro Columbus League  

  • Holds free public forums on issues important to the community
  • Registers central Ohio residents to vote
  • Sponsors candidate forums throughout the metropolitan area prior to each election.
  • Provides the nonpartisan, unbiased Voter Information Bulletin to the community prior to each election (with the support of The Columbus Dispatch)
  • Staffs the Election Day Phone Bank at WBNS-10TV to answer callers’ questions about polling places and voting rights
  • Advocates in Franklin County for public policy changes consistent with our positions
  • Honors a civic leader in central Ohio through our annual fundraiser, Democracy In Action.

Becoming a League member will give you 

  • many satisfying opportunities to participate in non-partisan local, state, and national League work. 
  • receive exclusive civic information you can trust.
  • ways to use your skills and talent to make democracy work through Advocacy and Voter Service actiities identified below. 



New? Here are the steps to begin

  1. Get informed by our weekly "eVoter Newsletter" emailed to you (use menu item on the left). 
  2. Get acquainted with how the League works (training video below). 
  3. Attend virtual Zoom meetings of interest (using Calendars below) and ask questions. 
  4. Jump in and help with Advocacy events and Voter Services (Click on any Card below).
  5. Become a member by clicking 'Join' (at the top of this page). Divider

Now Explore and Engage

Explore the many Activities and satisfying ways in which you can serve communities in our area based on your own time and availability. 




Training Video

Collaborate using:

  • # Hashtag link to more information
  • 📝blank form for inquiries and activity reporting

  • Voter Services Groups

    ○ We are responsible for voter service activities such as the Voter Information Bulletin, Speaker’s Bureau, voter registration drives, election protection efforts, planning local candidate forums and all special voter service projects. Most activity in Fall every Year.

    #Voter Services@2

     📝Ways to help voting process
    ○ Program to educate and signup new voters.

    #High School Voting Outreach@16

     📝Educate young voters
    ○ All year we have Tabling at community events to hand out League Information and socialize at the same time!way to spread awareness about current issues.

    #Community Table Events@17

     📝Your interest?
    ○ We are key sponsors of candidate debates and forums. Fall activity.

    #Candidate Forums@18

     📝Suggest, participate
    ○ We develop Voter Guides with Ballot, Registration, and other information to inform voters about their choices. Fall activity.

    #Voter Guides@19

     📝Inform participation
    ○ Do you believe that every eligible voter deserves to have their voice count? Then you can take action from home or in person by serving as a nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer. Fall activity.

    #Election Protection@20

     📝Join, protect elections!
    ○ Our volunteer work with Girl Scouts to help them earn citizenship badges.

    #VoterGirl, Girl Scouts@23

     📝Engage youth!
    ○ Get trained and join us to provide Voting Information during elections, typically held in November.

    #Election Day Phone Bank@24

     📝Need a question answered?

    Advocacy Groups

    ○ Advocate local issues of importance to voters such as support, study or recommendation for a specific outcome or policy. Year round activities.


     📝Issues to investigate?
    ○ Our primary actions focus on the issues of Making Democracy Work at all levels. We never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, but Advocacy is political. All Year.

    #Advocacy Forums@21

     📝Join us
    ○ Presentations at community events.

    #Community Presentations@22

     📝Details here
    ○ Join us to get informed with reading and lively discussion.

    #Book Club@26

     📝Join here