Join us to put 'feet on the ground' for Voter Services and Advocacy.
Select any activity card below. Use the pencil button to engage with our Metro Columbus League coordinators and start getting your eVoter Newsletter. The calendar button gives you an idea of upcomming activites for the year. The emailed eVoter gives details of how you can signUp to volunteer a few hours every now and then. Opportunities include election protection, special event greeters, candidate forum setup, and voting information distribution.
New? Start with our 'Welcome' video.
Volunteer for our Voter Service Activities
Visit area high schools to engage, educate and sign up new voters. Spring Activity.
We hand our league information at community tabling events, and socialize too! All year.
We are sponsors of candidate debates and forums. Fall volunteering activity.
We develop Voter Guides with ballot, registration, and other information to inform voters. Fall activity.
You can take action from home or in person by serving as a nonpartisan election protection volunteer. Fall activity.
We work with the Girl Scouts of America and help girls earn citizenship badges.
Get trained and provide Voting Information during elections, typically held in November.
Volunteer for our Advocacy Activities
We make 'Democracy Work' at all levels, without endorsing or opposing political parties or candidates.
Our speakers present at community events about issues and non-partisan league's work. All year.
Socialize and get informed with reading about current topics and lively discussion. All year.
Like to do more?
We invite you to first become a LWVMC member to do more and participate in many satisfying non-partisan local, state, and national League work and receive exclusive civic information you can trust. The planning and coordination of activities is done in our LWVMC committees. Our working committees are:
Voter Services: We empower voters where they work, live, learn, and play and help folks take the first step to become lifelong voters. We educate voters about registering to vote, researching candidates and issues, the process of voting, what elected officials do, and how to engage with local leadership.
Advocacy & Education: We advocate on behalf of League positions locally, observe local governmental activities, prepare programs and events to educate and engage members and the general public, and conduct position studies on issues of local importance to the public.
Development: We program fundraising activities and engage in donor development which includes the League's annual 'Democracy in Action' fundraiser.
Membership: We grow our membership to ensure we can support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy.
League Administration: We support League administration through communications, technology, and other leadership opportunities.
Click the button below and use your signUp email and password to enter the member only section.