Oconee and Pickens Counties Subscribed Articles

Oconee and Pickens Counties Subscribed Articles

Press Mention


A proposed bill impacting voter registration groups would involve a $100 registration fee, requirements to return forms within ten days, and fines up to $1000. “These groups provide a very positive social service and civic service, citizen-to-citizen outreach, and there is no documented pattern of abuse,” Lynn Teague with the League of Women Voters of South Carolina testified.

Blog Post

With attacks from the recent administration, DEI has been a hot topic recently. In a recent blog, I broke down what DEI really is — and isn’t. In this piece, I’ll describe just a few of the ways DEI impacts us and our democracy. I’ll then share ways you can support it. 

Making Democracy Work Network Update
Blog Post

Several election bills are cheduled in the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on Feb. 20, 2025, The last of these bills, H.3459, is of the greatest interest. While the requirements are not very demanding for organizations that routinely conduct registration drives, the bill could be an impediment to smaller-scale groups involved in church or school registration.

Public Statement

WASHINGTON — The League of Women Voters of the United States is pleased to announce Brooke Leonard as its new chief of staff. 

Blog Post

As I leave my role of chief of staff at LWVUS and wrap up my tenure at the League, I am so grateful for that community — for the people that live the mission of empowering voters  and defending democracy day in and day out (often behind the scenes), who center voters, who fight for what is right, and who work together to create a more perfect democracy

Press Mention


A push to end ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ practices in South Carolina is gaining ground in among some lawmakers. Lynn Teague, Vice President of League of Women Voters, said DEI has made South Carolina a better place. “One of the most important things for South Carolina flourishing is all of its people having a chance to do a good job to moving the state forward,” Teague said.

Blog Post

A significant number of anti-voter lawsuits were filed that sought to disrupt election administration and purge eligible voters from the rolls around the 2024 federal election. The League of Women Voters of the United States (“LWVUS”) monitored these eleventh-hour anti-voter lawsuits, including the substantial amount of voter purge lawsuits. 

Blog Post

A significant number of anti-voter lawsuits were filed that sought to disrupt election administration and purge eligible voters from the rolls around the 2024 federal election. The League of Women Voters of the United States (“LWVUS”) monitored these eleventh-hour anti-voter lawsuits, including the substantial amount of voter purge lawsuits. 
