LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee

LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee

League members take action on issues where we have studied the topic and have reached conclusions that are embodied in our positions. Our Action/Advocacy Committee meets monthly (see Calendar of Events). Recent activities have included advocacy for affordable housing proposals in several cities, support of extending the county healthcare plan to undocumented immigrants, and statements on the Concord Naval Weapons Station re-use plans. 

Action Committee meeting notes are posted below for League members only. Remember to log in to view the notes. (The notes can also be viewed on the Members Only page, which can be accessed from the left navigation menu once you are logged in.) 

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Mary Schreiber
Contact Number: 
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley

All Posts Related to this Committee

hand to ear, listening
Blog Post

Each year at the start of the legislative season, local League members meet with our representatives in the California Senate and Assembly.

Three women with rally sign at march

Issues for Emphasis are adopted by our grassroots members during biennial Conventions at the national, state and regional level. The local League adopts issues for emphasis known as Program Priorities at an annual membership meeting.
