

Voter Outreach Issue Education Advocacy - Our Communities Atherton, East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Portola Valley, Redwood City, Woodside


President—Betsy Colby president [at]

VP Admin—Lisa Conrad VPadmin [at]

Secretary—Mary Hower secretary [at]

Treasurer—Patti Fry treasurer [at]

Treasurer-in-Training—Susie Cohen assistant_treasurer [at]

Advocacy & Action

Director of Action—TDB

The Advocacy Committee promotes awareness and action on League positions and issues. When applicable, it publishes National, State, and local league action alerts on our website, social media, and the monthly The Voter newsletter.


Treasurer—Patti Fry treasurer [at]

Ann Draper  (Chair), Susie Cohen, Lisa Conrad, Lucia Tedesco

The Budget Committee prepares an annual budget for the League and submits it to the board at least two months before the Annual Meeting.

If you wish to join this committee, please contact Patti Fry at treasurer [at]


Director of Communications—Lucia Tedesco communications [at]

The Voter Editor—Heidi Raanes voter_ed [at]

Webmaster—Lucia Tedesco webmaster [at]

Social Media Editor—TBD

The Communications Committee facilitates League communication with the membership and the public. This includes publishing the League newsletter, The Voter, and overseeing the League website, our YouTube channel, and social media. We also maintain League connections with the media.

If you can write, edit, or have knowledge of graphic design, social media, or websites, this committee could use your services. Contact Lucia Tedesco at communications [at]

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The purpose of the DEI Committee is to lead our League on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion transformation journey, to incorporate the commitment of LWVUS and LWVC into our local League mission, and to connect with members for outreach to our cities to embrace the diversity of these communities.

If you wish to join this committee, please get in touch with Betsy Colby at president [at]


The Membership Committee welcomes new members, tracks membership, coordinates new member recruitment, and liaises with LWVUS regarding the membership database.

If you wish to motivate people to join the League, can manage the online member information, or are good at planning member events, we invite you to join this committee. Contact Marsha Abbotts at membership [at]


Nomination Chair—Lisa Conrad VPadmin [at]

The Nominating Committee identifies and recommends League members for leadership positions within the organization.


Co-VP of Program—Connie Guerrero vpprogram [at]

Co-VP of Program—Susannah Hill covpprogram [at]

The Program Committee engages in educational events and program planning, working with the President, the VP Admin, and the Voter Services Committee.

  • Program Planning: We manage the process of adopting our platform for education and advocacy. In the League, this is the process by which we decide where and how we will focus our resources—member time, money, reputation—over the next two years. 
  • Educational Events: We organize monthly events and other membership meetings or public forums. We provide relevant and interesting speakers, panels, or other formats on timely topics of interest to our members and the general public. Our events give insight into the League's varied education and advocacy work and enhance LWVSSMC's visibility in our communities.

If you wish to join this committee, please get in touch with Connie Guerrero at vpprogram [at]

Voter Services

Director of Voter Services—Geoff Ryder votersvc [at]

High School Outreach—Marni Rubin

Voter Registration Form Deliverer—Judy Rino

Vote411 Coordinator—Linda Olson

The Voter Services Committee provides services to inform and empower citizens to participate in the election process. The committee offers services to both educate and engage voters:

  • Provide trained, qualified, unbiased speakers and other volunteers for candidate forums and Pro/Con presentations.
  • Distribute voter information and promote voter registration, focusing on underrepresented groups.
  • Engage all in activities that Get Out the Vote (GOTV).

This might be your place if you want to work for voting rights and voter education. To learn more or volunteer for this committee, contact Geoff Ryder at votersvc [at]