Monday, January 13, 2025 - 5:00pm
All League members are invited to join the League of Women Voters of North and Central San Mateo County (LWVNCSMC) organizing meeting of the new One Person One Vote committee. Here are the details:
What: One Person One Vote committee
Where: via Zoom—Register using the link below.
When: Monday, January 13 at 5 PM
Why are we working on this issue? At our national convention in Denver in 2022, LWV then-president Dr. Deborah Turner announced a big, audacious project: to pass a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College and replace it with a national popular vote for President.
LWVNCSMC and some neighboring Leagues are organizing a group to work on this issue. Would you like to join? We will need people to:
- Learn about the Electoral College and the Interstate Compact and educate our members and the public
- Give talks to groups and classes in our county
- Write letters to the editor
- Create social media posts
- Connect with members of other Leagues working on One Person, One Vote.