Don't miss this important meeting on Thursday, February 6.
Be informed about the March 4 Special Election.
On December 3, 2024, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors ("BoS") called a special election for March 4, 2025. In this election, the voters will decide on a single ballot measure: a proposed San Mateo County Charter amendment. This amendment, if approved, would grant the BoS authority until December 31, 2028, to remove an elected Sheriff from office, for cause, by a four-fifths vote of the BoS after written notice and an opportunity to be heard.
The League of Women Voters of North & Central San Mateo County LWVNCSMC) will host a Pros & Cons presentation on Measure A on Thursday, February 6, from 6 to 7 p.m. via Zoom. Register at the link below. This session will be recorded, and the recording will be posted on the LWVNCSMC website.
The LWV Pros & Cons is a nonpartisan explanation of ballot propositions, including supporting and opposing arguments. The material comes from many sources, not limited to that presented in the Official Voter Information Guide.