2024 League County Day
Advocacy on the Coast: What’s Working
The Coast is an idyllic place well-known for its parks, beaches, hikes, and forests. Less well-known are the struggles of hundreds of farmworkers and low-income residents who make valuable contributions through their work and community efforts but live in harsh conditions with few services on the Coast.
Puente de la Costa Sur is working to change that for the South Coast communities of Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar, and San Gregorio. Puente empowers communities to bring about change through its leadership development and advocacy program. Come hear from Rita Mancera, Executive Director, how farmworkers advocate for better housing and provide immigration assistance on the Coast.
After we’ve heard from our speaker, participants from both Leagues will discuss what they see as county-wide priorities for action in the coming year. We will vote on those priorities and take them to our respective Leagues for adoption at their annual meetings.
Please join us for this in-person event.
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2024
Location: San Mateo Library, 55 West Third Avenue, San Mateo
- 9:45 AM: Check-in and refreshments
- 10 AM: Program
- 11 AM–12 PM: Business meeting
Please register by Wednesday, March 20.
If you can help shop for refreshments, check in attendees, or set up/take down the room for this meeting, please contact Eileen at eileen.easterbrook [at] lwvncsmc.org.