Register to Vote

Register to Vote

Your Power Your Voice Your Vote


Register to Vote!


The League of Women Voters believes every citizen should participate in our democratic election process. This process allows you to choose your representatives at every level of government — Federal, State, and Local.


Why You Should Vote

      • Representation: By voting, you contribute to selecting candidates who will best represent your interests, perspectives, and values in government and work towards your desired outcomes.
      • Accountability: When you vote, you hold officials responsible for their actions and decisions. If they do not fulfill their promises or act against the interests of their constituents, voters have the power to elect new representatives in the next election cycle.
      • Policy Impact: Whether it's healthcare, education, the environment, the economy, or social issues, your vote influences the decisions that will affect these areas. Voting allows you to support candidates who align with your stance on these issues.

Who Can Register to Vote

two hand drawn signs the first says VOTE and the second says !VOTE! LWV
  • Citizen of the United States
  • Resident of California
  • At least 18 years of age on or before Election Day
  • Not be in prison for the conviction of a felony
  • Not judicially determined to be incompetent to vote

You do not need to know how to read or write in English or any other language. English, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese languages are available.


Choosing a Party Affiliation

When you register to vote, you have the option to choose a specific political party, or you can choose No Party Preference.

A political party is a group of people who share the same ideas about how the government should be run and what it should do. They work together to win elections and achieve their goals.

You can learn about what a specific party stands for by visiting their official websites:

If you choose No Party Preference, you may have limited choices for party candidates in Presidential Primary Elections. Some parties require you to be registered with their specific party to vote for their candidates.

You can change your political party registration at any time. However, you must complete a new Voter Registration form 15 days before the election.

For more information –


Registration Deadlines and Same-Day Voting

      • All elections have a deadline for voters to register or re-register to vote. Deadline dates are noted on months before the election.
      • If registering or re-registering less than 14 days before an election, you must complete the Same-Day Voter Registration process. You must go to your nearest Vote Center or your county elections office and request your ballot in person.
      • If you are a Californian living away from home while attending a college, trade school, or technical school, or a voter living temporarily outside the United States, please see College Students and Voters Living Abroad.
      • If you want to register using a paper voter registration application, you can pick one up at your county elections office, library, Department of Motor Vehicles offices, or U.S. post office. Your voter registration application must be filled out completely and be postmarked or hand-delivered to your county elections office at least 15 days before the election.


What You Will Need to Register to Vote Online

      • Your California driver's license or California identification card number
      • The last four digits of your social security number
      • Your date of birth

You can complete the process online if the DMV has your signature on file. If not, you must print, sign, and mail your completed application to your county elections office. You can also pick up a paper application at election offices, any DMV office, and many post offices, public libraries, and government offices. You’ll be contacted when your application is approved or if you need to provide more information.

Voter File Maintenance

How do voters get registered and "un" registered?