Every two years, the California membership gathers at the LWVC Convention to craft our policy priorities for the next two years, to enlighten each other by sharing our successes and learnings, to inspire a new generation of League leaders, and to celebrate our shared passion for making California a well-governed and vibrant state.
This year, our Convention will be held virtually from June 17-22, with weekly workshops. We will focus on bringing League members together to learn, share, and energize our membership as we continue to work toward strengthening democracy.
More information will be available at lwvc.org/convention. We hope to see you there!
First Call to State Convention 2025
What: The 70th State Convention of the League of Women Voters of California
When: Saturday, June 21 - Sunday, June 22, 2025. The general sessions on those days begin at 9:00 AM and are scheduled to end at 4:00 PM. Workshops and special events are scheduled from Tuesday, June 17 through Friday, June 20, 2025.
Where: Virtual teleconference meetings are held using Zoom.
Who: Attendance at the Convention is open to everyone. We encourage all members to attend and are eager for the public to learn about the League. Please extend invitations to your friends and contacts.
Why: LWVC meets every other year to conduct business as outlined by the bylaws. See below for specifics. However, just as important, the purpose of the Convention is to inspire and empower Californians to increase their active and informed participation in civic life. Come and meet passionate people from across the state who make democracy work!
You can read about the schedule, workshops, special activities, and more on our site: https://lwvc.org/convention. This site has been updated as plans develop, so please check it frequently.
Registration will open on April 28— watch for that upcoming email!
The registration rate for delegates is $75 per person. This gives you participation and voting access during all plenary sessions and access to workshops, caucuses, and other events throughout the week.
Nonvoting attendees are welcome to observe plenary and participate in workshops, caucuses, and other events at a flat-fee registration rate of $30 per person.