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The League of Women Voters of New Castle County provides voter services and community educational events county-wide, observes meetings of government bodies and advocates on issues, and holds regular meetings of our local membership.

Elevator Pitch

In 2022, the LWVNCC Board created a brief "elevator pitch" to help explain what the League is and what we do:

Democracy is threatened around the world which is evident in America today. The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit dedicated to empowering everyone to fully participate in our democracy. We engage in advocacy, education, litigation, and organizing to protect every American’s freedom to vote. The League has expanded our vision of a more inclusive democracy where all Americans, regardless of gender, sex, race, ability, or party can see themselves represented in our government.

Activities and Volunteer Opportunities

Woman seen manning an LWV voter registration table

LWVNCC is all about joining in! You can take part in your League in several areas:

  • Voter Services - staff our LWV voter infomation tables (contact Patti Christopher), distribute welcome packets at new ctizen naturalization ceremonies (contact Lorraine Botticelli), help create our annual VOTE411 online voter guide (contact Jill Itzkowitz), help run our online or in-person candidate forums (contact Joyce Ford), help at public housing tenant elections (contact Pat Todd).
  • Community Educational Programs - attend and/or help plan our Hot Topic presentations on issues of interest to the community, sit in on a monthly TED Talk Discussion with Kay Palmer, revive a "Great Decisions" foreign policy discussion group for LWVNCC. These activities are all open to the public.
  • Action and Advocacy - consider joining our state-level Advocacy Corps (contact Linda Barnett), our NCC Land Use & Transportation committee (contact Anna Quisel), or our local Observer Corps (simply attending local government meetings and taking notes on the proceedings... contact Office Manager). LWVNCC is the proper body to engage in LWV advocacy at the NCC county, city or town levels.
  • Membership Meetings - attend annual convention or council meetings at the local, state and/or national levels.

Academic Scholarship

In 2023, LWVNCC established a memorial scholarship in the name of logntime League member Joann Hasse who died early that year. This annual award for nursing students is administered by the University of Delaware. Read more about it here: Joann D. Hasse LWVNCC Scholarship.

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Quick contact info for LWVNCC...

Phone: (302) 571-8948  ~  Email: lwvncc [at] comcast.net